Sunday 15 February 2015

Detox Week

 It's "Enhancement Week" for me right now, which basically means half term. 5 weeks of drinking have broken me, had the mother of all colds, back pain, dizziness, feeling faint. It's been bliss. So I've retreated to the comfort of my Welsh home and am curling up on any surface I can find, to be spoilt by my parents. Absolute heaven.

 Need to get back into my reading as well, I've just started Eat, Pray, Love by Elizabeth Gilbert. It's been a big comfort so far, she says early into the book that she's envious of those people who are made for travelling, the ones who can argue with border control people and get themselves out of being mugged. They have the kind of skin colour that allows them to blend in anywhere. She says she can't do any of that, including the stern look you need to have on your face which states to anyone that you're in control. But besides this, her love of travelling remains.

 I liked that. Because I was a bit like that, bumbling through travelling, missing some of the best stuff you had to see because I'm horribly lost, and not once did I get offered to go and drink snake blood in some random person's house at midnight. Nor did I skinny dip, get chased by anyone or have to call the British government. In fact, the scariest moment of my travelling was when a fat labrador puppy grabbed ahold of my trouser leg in Peru, which resulted in a lot of me trying to gently kick it and swearing my head off, whilst the two girls I was travelling with were shouting: "You're going to get Rabies!"

 I really should become a columnist. Here's a happy frog.

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