Friday 30 March 2012

Hattie's nose piercing.
Apologies for not blogging enough lately, been a bit manic getting to the end of term. SO. Today, I entered a VIP onto the system at work for someone who lives in America- a first for me and very exciting. You won't really understand what that means, but it's a big moment *teary* Then the next woman lived on 'duck lane' which made me chuckle, so easily pleased. Really been enjoying work lately, especially in preparation for this sunday's interview, I'm finding it more interesting and rewarding, especially targets. I'm incredibly lucky to have the job I do really, my boss is lovely and I like everyone I work with and every time I come to work the company have some more free stuff for us, it's really nice. Plus, at the end of every shift I smell super nice.

But blah blah blah, away from the boring stuff, what've I been up to? Had the social on wednesday, and it was sufficiently dull. I actually had a nap for about 10 minutes on the bench. Was very sad that I missed all the gossip, but we'll be having a behaviour assembly soon, or so I've heard. Was very sweet on the way over though, I felt like a child.

I was walking along in flip flops, with a carrier bag in one hand and a bag on my shoulder, fairy wings, a sparkly dress, holding Jessie or Ollie's hand and staring up at the sky with really wide eyes.

It was really nice to have Ollie there actually. We had a good(ish) time when dancing, although the music was pretty awful. I mean seriously, the last 15 minutes were like 20, 30 second snaps of different songs with no good bass or beat. BUT IT DOESN'T MATTER. Because this was the last song:


This was us at the beginning (me minus the fairy wings):

Then yesterday, I went to this play with drama, and it BLEW my mind. I know it could've been more professional, but for me it was simply amazing. The acting and script side of it was the weakest bit, but it was structured nicely, the dawning of the son's death was good.

Basically, it was about this couple of people in some kind of isolation ward because of their conditions. The woman had forgotten about her son's death, and even his original existence, and the french man had a condition which made him believe he was dead. So he helped her get her memory back, she helped him to die. It was really sweet. There was loads of acrobatics and juggling and things, it was beautifully done. They also had this interactive screen which when they touched or swiped would do different things. There was one total epiphany for me, where the guy was saying about dying before physically dying. Like a pendulum going side to side, but it's not alive, it's just mechanics. I was sat in the audience going OH MY GOD I'D NEVER THOUGHT OF THAT.

(There were only 2 performers, this is a manipulated shot) 

They also had this really cool mobile thing, with a metal circle around the outside and long cylinders that lit up hanging on strings around it, which she swung around as a sort of metaphor for her unlocking memories.

On a sad note, James Kelly is going away for a week and I might cry. Today he mentioned it and I looked all sad (I was acting) and I said 'You're my only friend' and he said 'No I'm not.' and I said 'Yes you are, I'm alone for a week' but I'll just have to see Georgina instead, she's my substitute friend. 

Today I’m talking about Evie. We have been friends since year 7, we clicked straightaway. Someone recently asked whether Evie and I were in the emo or the girly girl clique in year 9N wars, and I said that her and I were more ‘Ooh look at that rainbow...’ we spent our secondary lives oblivious to anyone else and caught up in our weird cuddly relationship. Actually, Evie was my first proper kiss on the lips. When we drifted, I never imagined we’d be so close again. She’s my closest school friend, I spend all my time with her. We just seem to know how to operate around one another, opposite but also exactly the same. 

Wednesday 28 March 2012

Haven't blogged in a couple of days, oops. Tonight is the social. I'm going as a firefly, and their bums light up, problem is, forgot to get glow sticks, so my bottom doesn't glow. I'm just a very sparkly thing with wings. I can make up animals right?? Not sure what to do with my hair yet, but very excited. I need to have prepped by the time I get to Jessie's.

Very happy about tomorrow, just sat and worked it out, literally no homework in for ANY of my lessons. RESULT. Although, I will be answering an exam question tomorrow period 1 and 2 for class civ, not so easily done with a high pitched scream in your head and a tired body.

So excited right now though, got a week organising stuff for Max Stafford Clark for Barney in summer, and this Sunday is my apprentice interview, I honestly have no idea what to say, I'm so unprepped. Might watch some interviews and stuff on the website. Part of me feels like I might get it, although Evie doesn't think I will. Damn you Evie. Expect the worst, hope for the best eh?

Still, with such sparkly nails how can you be unhappy right?


Always get ready to go out with this on. It gets me all excited. Quiche, shower and a wee and I'm READY.

I'm going to make it as an actor. I can feel it.

Monday 26 March 2012


Well, I've had quite a day. I'm sat in bed now, with a massive headache and almost throwing up trying to think of something to say, or trying to pick something to discuss more like.

I feel like I've really turned a corner today. I had a big chat with my life coach, (practically), Miss E. She told me lots of useful things like: 'Don't tell everyone everything Poppy' which was good to hear out loud, rather than just in my head.

It's so weird, I don't understand why I tell people things. Almost like I try to buy friendship with it, and I just can't resist saying something. Amazingly, most, if not all my friends are extremely trustworthy, and nothing ever gets out. If I were friends with more gossipy people everyone would know everything, and I would actually get the punishment I deserve for it. ANYWAY I feel like a switch went off in me when she said it and I suddenly thought, okay, I'll stop telling people everything.

So I'm sat in bed waiting for my camera battery to charge so I can upload the photo of my mum with a hitler moustache drawn onto her lip, but it's taking ages. Very frustrating.

Oh it's ready:

Aha, oh mum.

Spoke to my lovely friend tonight about everything that's been bothering me, and she's been a real help just by listening. Unfortunately I had to leave before I could properly listen to her, so I need to speak to her soon. LATITUDE AAAH! And I've listened to her advice and I aim to take it onboard. I feel like I'm about to get back on top of my work, and that's good. I'm just pretty darn okay actually. Not bad at all. And I'm not even saying that due to eating a huge bar of chocolate tonight (partly because I'm broke, partly because I don't need to eat it).

I wish I could sing like this, and I am part indian so maybe it's within me somewhere. Although... where does Beyonce come from inheritance-wise? Well. She's darn sexy wherever she's from:

Sunday 25 March 2012

OH MY GOD. I am totally going to this:

Need to find someone to go with me though. If anyone wants to go too, send me a message. BON FUCKING IVER AAAAAH!!

Just been out and bought a few new albums. Having an itunes re-make. Got rid of all the shit that's on my old iPod. Goodbye Diana Vickers!! Right now I'm listening to James Blake, forgot how much I love him. I know I don't listen to particularly clever music, but I listen to what makes me feel really happy, and that's what my taste is.

Going through a bit of a weird phase at the moment, yesterday I just forgot to eat all day, I only had a lolly when Hattie got her nose pierced, and mum got home at about half 6 and we both agreed we weren't hungry enough for supper. Then at 11 I started crying because I was so hungry and I sat eating a cheesecake crying. Mum looked at me like I was mad, I don't blame her. I sort of feel like I just want to be alone though, right now. I don't want to talk to anyone. I don't want to see anyone. I feel really... not exactly numb, but sort of happy to be myself right now. I'm actually feeling quite excited over starting exam period. I'm about to start my life off, and that really excites me.

I apologise in advance if I'm grumpy or off with people, I'm not very good at hiding my emotions and I'm about to do a bit of a retreat from everyone for a while. Might even switch my phone off for a couple of days, why not?

I love paintings like this, really close up to someone. Feels like you can actually understand what they're like, and like you have a relationship with them:

Saturday 24 March 2012

I love this song, it calms me down. His voice is gorgeous:
'Hold your own, know your name and go your own way.'

Got an evening with my mum tonight, should be nice. Want to calm down and not think for a couple of days.

Friday 23 March 2012

Had the best afternoon ever, I love the sun. Arrived home from school, then went straight out onto my balcony in just a huge baggy tshirt and sat in the sun with some chocolate buttons, music playing through my open window. The balcony is sort of broken, there's no railing so I had to be careful, and the fact you can only get to it by climbing through my window made it feel really cool. Then I walked Spud around the field, which was BEAUTIFUL:

And I'm very happy to say that the popularity of this blog is rising! Used to average about 30 views a day, now up to about 100 views a day! So thank you to everyone. Here's a picture of Georgina reading my blog and enjoying it heartily:

Oliver Mansell Short. I remember standing in my kitchen with you awkwardly in year 9 after a singing lesson, our parents were chatting, and thinking, I will never be friends with this boy. It’s funny, I reckon everything that I didn’t understand about you are now the things I love about you most. You’re a snob but it’s funny, you’ve got an insulting sharp wit because you don’t realise you’re being funny. You come up with some of the funniest lines. I owe you so much money, and a birthday present. Love it when you come round and get drunk and fall asleep on me (an event which often occurs). Shouting at ugly people on youtube about plastic surgery- you really are a top lad. Had so many adventures with you, we went all the way to southampton just to watch a film! We definitely need to get up to more mischief at some point. Thank you for being so lovely to me this year ‘Have you noticed how when something really bad happens to you, something good happens to me, and when something really good happens to you something bad happens to me? I don’t mean to be harsh but I can’t wait till it’s your turn to be unhappy again.’ You little charmer.

To end this blog, I've got a photo of Nell's painting she's finished recently. Her talent blows me away, absolutely beautiful portraits, and she really captures the person every time. At the moment she's painting someone's dad. I hope she doesn't mind me putting this picture up:

Thursday 22 March 2012

Forgot to mention this, was shown this yesterday by Jake, this black guy is flyyyyy.
BEFORE YOU READ THIS, play this song, it'll give you a feel of my mood.

Actually I feel more upbeat than that. I just feel so upbeat and full of love for everyone around me.

I've always wanted to be the kind of person people can talk to easily, not someone who drags the truth out of people. I'm a bit of a gossip, I'll admit. But I don't mean to tell people stuff, and I've got better at keeping stuff quiet. Thing is, when stuff is serious, I know to keep my mouth shut. And that's largely what I've done. A lot of people don't believe me when I say I have several secrets myself at the moment.

One thing I've always thought about how to make people feel comfortable in trusting me, is that I'm open myself, and I have this attitude about it, here it is. I will never push people to tell me things. I may ask, and if they don't answer, then it's up for them to be ready to tell me when they feel up for it. If I have a friend who stops talking to me about the stuff they're dealing with, unless it's worrying me I will wait for them to talk to me. I don't offer solutions, I don't push them in any direction, it's up to them. But if I can't do anything else I hope to make their life easier.


So okay, I have spent far too much time talking about myself lately. Or maybe even just thinking about myself when I'm meant to be there for my friends, and I apologise. I had this epiphany earlier, we gave James a lift home after drama and mum was talking about how nice he is and how she loves our friendship. I suddenly realised, I don't give the people closest to me enough credit, so I'm going to write you all a lovely paragraph, one per day <3

Firstly, to my lovely Jessica Whittick. First spent time with her in year 9, then became really close earlier this year, and then everything that's been going on has really tied us together lately. We've been put to the test many times and I'm still utterly in love with her. She's always a major boost to my confidence, I have such a laugh when she's around and we are always in the same mood. If I ever find myself annoyed by her, seeing her again makes me remember everything I love about her. I'm actually powerless to try and control the amount I love her, it's no longer in my power. I loved her since she shoved an earphone in my head and played me screamin' jay hawkins stating 'Not everyone loves some of the people I listen to, but I like it.' BECAUSE SHE'S JESSICA FUCKING WHITTICK. I love you and I'm sorry that I've been up and down and not constantly here for you lately.

So tomorrow I'll blog with a paragraph about someone else.

My gorgeous friend Izzy sent me a text about her new blog earlier, and I'm completely in love with her, more than I was before:
Check it out if you're up for a more intelligent and deep blog.

Wednesday 21 March 2012

I don't really know what to write about today. I was going to blog about ducks, but since it's mating season and they're raping each other all over the place, I don't fancy going into that. I also promised to talk about Georgina, but without going into her life story, I'm not sure there's much to say. I mean, Georgina isn't the kind of person you can sum up. I could talk about how funny Mr Dew was today, and how much he laughed at a dinosaur joke. I could mention how pointless general studies is, or talk about how I can't stop shaking. Or explain all about why I'm apparently applying for the apprentice (literal EL O EL).

And all these things would be perfectly acceptable, but it's not where I am. Not in my head, I'm sort of scared and almost sad but I don't know why. It's sort of due to the fact that whenever I've looked in the mirror lately, the stress and everything that's happened since the beginning of this academic year has finally showed up on my face. I look tired, ill, sort of faded.

It's funny, because I look older as well. Sort of, narrowed eyes, aged face, like I've just come out of a trauma. My natural face has turned to someone looking part shocked, part upset. It's pretty funny. I look ridiculous.

And my DRESS SENSE. What the fuck is going on?! I'm wandering around in a yellow raincoat, that is brighter than the sun. Today, I had two pairs of tights on (no disrespect G) and I bought TRAINERS to wear around. Not sure what I'm really aiming for, or what that kind of style really is. Retarded I'd call it. Maybe that should be the new trend... retarded. I'll work on it.

I just feel sort of numb at the minute, a bit confused about what's going on all the time. I'm tired, but extremely awake.

I had a funny dream last night, that I kissed two boys at the same party, and then these people came back to the room (because it was a hotel for some reason) and said they were going to bed, and don't worry about the party noise. They asked us to help them draw the curtain so we did. Then I was in the art room surrounded by cardboard and Miss E said 'THIS ISN'T ENOUGH' and I said, 'chill out, I've got a whole sketchbook at home' and she was like, oh fairplay. The relief was IMMENSE even in asleep world.

I'm tired. Goodnight.

Tuesday 20 March 2012

Wanted to dedicate this blogpost to all the people who I would least expect to be reading all this random shit. Before my ever so lovely evening in, was talking to Jake on facebook, who reads my blog! Who'd've thought it! I hope you're good and hungover as you're reading this Jake.

On a very traumatic note, I'm going to have to download windows on my laptop to run a file type on mac. So, I look it up right? It's £50 ish, and I go to pay and it says the transaction failed, which means it's official. I have no money left. On a plus side, I have a few new bits of clothing to exhibit.

Check out this remix, I laaav it. This whole playlist is pretty fly actually, if I say so myself. Need to re-go through it soon though, go to the point where I only go through it from this track onwards.

How gorgeous is this?!

Anyway, went to stage earlier and Billinge was hilarious, the workshop assistant was just giving us some ideas, and Billinge out of nowhere suddenly says 'Are you growing that beard so you can buy alcohol?' I thought I was going to die laughing. He's so rude. He was also extremely happy, because we managed to work out a way of getting his toy gun into the action. Our piece is going to be all over the place, it's going to be hilarious. I'm excited.
I just got a delivery of some trainers, but cool trainers. They're awesome, they look like this:

So I was having a shower and getting all excited about what I'd wear them with, (leggings and shorts etc.), and then I suddenly remembered that Jessie has some quite similar trainers, and I wondered if I should call her ahead so we could co-ord for stage. And then I remembered she's in Germany and I got this massive wave of sadness. I really miss her!!

Anyway, after my scrabble around for an outfit last night I came up out of my drawers with a green crop top with tassles, black leopard print tights, (despite being from M&S they are snazzy), and a body con skirt. Plus some heels and then I was going to wrap myself in fake ivy or something. But now I'm not going to the social which sucks. 

I reckon the best part of today would either be Rosa putting on shoes covered in buttons and going 'Have I gone too far?' or it could be when I was sat by the river with Billinge, who decided a tuesday was an appropriate moment for a cigarillo. He never fails to amuse me. And he calls me stupid. After much schananigans with a fake gun, which seemed to amuse EVERYONE in bish common room, I had class civ, where Sophie and I got told off for trying to sneak away early from the lesson "We're just off to the loo Mr Owen!" and then I had to stay behind in drama because I laughed when Tom pulled a face at me. How do I get in trouble for doing nothing wrong?!

This CD just arrived, Leisure Seizure by Tom Vek. Enjoying it so far, this has always been my favourite one:

Found this picture on a website the other day and loved it. I was to dress like this! I wish I could pull off honey blonde hair as well. Clearly, thanks to my experiment in Summer, that doesn't suit me.

Monday 19 March 2012

Looking for ideas for the burgate social tomorrow night, and if you type in 'Jungle costume' swear to god you will find no picture which doesn't look like this:

So that's what I'm going dressed like. 

HAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHA of course I'm not doing that. But this calls for a major dress up sesh. I shall be trying on everything I own tonight- sadly excited.

Anyway, I bet you're all DYING to hear about how my day was.

It was okay.

AHA I'm so witty tonight! Of course I'm going to fill you in on every useless detail, that's what I do!

I was in an incredibly grumpy mood earlier, got really pissed off with the people I was walking with. The cause of course, I had Billinge trying to shoot me in the boob with a plastic gun. Standard. I apologise to those people now, I got angry, then very upset, then slightly happier again. As soon as I got home though I did that thing where you put on sad music and stare out the window with a sad face pretending someone's watching you on a cinema screen. Everyone does that right? Right?

Found a funny print screen earlier, and was wondering whether or not to upload it, but decided against it. What I will say, is that it involved the phrase: 'Stick with me and I'll take you to the top hunny ;)' Ooft.

Sunday 18 March 2012

Should be asleep. Just finished the play, it's good. It's not ready for editing, so hopefully George is still interested enough in it to help me. If not I'll have to force Kelly into it, might be hard to organise though because he lives so far away. Ho hum. I've decided it's definitely opened up for auditions, and I've selected the lovely Leo to be lighting manager. Hooray, it's happening!!

Wrote the guest list for a summer house party this weekend as well, yes early days. By the time it gets to summer I'll probably have to change it a lot, but I got majorly keen.

I'VE MISSED EMINEM. Getting back into his stuff again, heard one on the tv and been listening to him non stop. I'll never forget the moment last year where I suddenly liked all the music I'd hated before and my strange music taste evolved from this song:

It's funny, I'm sat here in bed with messy hair, a t-shirt and ugly pj shorts on and I feel so natural and Poppyish. I think I'm finding myself bit by bit everyday. It's actually learning to not care. On the whole I'm pretty good, I wear what I want to wear be it a bright yellow raincoat or a stupidly retarded jumper, but I don't care. If I think I look good, I feel good, so I don't care what anyone else thinks. And I'm not popular enough to be hated by anyone because of that kind of thing, I hope. It doesn't really bother me if I am disliked for it, you can't just change who you are because of what people think.

Anyway, enough with the emotional shit. I'll just get teased tomorrow about it.

Had a dream last night that my dad had won the lottery - 6 million - and then gave it away to our family friends. And then I gave him a massive hug and went 'I'm so proud to be your daughter' how cute is that!! Anyway, had an otherwise uneventful weekend.

BUT I'VE FINISHED THE FUCKING PLAY! So yay, that's my main news today again. Will keep this updated with auditions or something, just if people are interested. I'd love to get lots of people involved.

Saturday 17 March 2012

Just been to see The Woman in Black with Georgina, and oh my goodness it's a jumpy film. I'm not totally convinced it was that scary, but it was very surprising at times. It's also official, Daniel Radcliffe has ruined his career by being Harry Potter. He just doesn't look genuine enough for anything else. A shame really, I don't think he's that bad an actor. But not good enough to launch his career into another gear.

Also, really happy, I've finished the first act of this play I'm writing. It needs major editing once it's done, but I think there might be something in it. It's about this group of sixth formers, 3 girls, 3 boys. A whole load of shit happens to them, and then it becomes too much for Lucy, who arranges with her boyfriend Harry to run away. They're involved in a car accident and she gets amnesia. When she wakes up, she remembers being in year 11, and she's now friends with people she used to hate. Her friendship group now have to decide whether they risk telling her everything and hope she forgives them, or risk not telling her and hoping she doesn't get her memory back.

Should be pretty interesting. I love the characters.
Lucy - a bold personality who's really at the centre of the group
Harry - (Lucy's boyfriend) genuinely nice guy who spends all his time trying to keep Lucy happy
Carl - A slimy guy, not certain whether he's actually nice or just a bit of a showy offy wanker.
Jas - shy, a pushover, and very morally against anything bad Molly or Lucy get up to.
Molly - an agressive unstable character
Jackson - Lives around Molly's mood swings and despite being a nice guy has plenty of hidden agression

Actually, I did have casting almost figured out, but I've now had quite a few people wanting to be in it, so I need to do some thinking. Might open it up to people. Fuck it yeah, if you would be interested in being in this, then send me an email or something. Although, I've already bagsied Molly. Also not sure at the moment whether to have a collaborative director or to select someone to do it, so if anyone is interested in that let me know.

Friday 16 March 2012

Started planning properly for the holidays now, really excited. Also, this easter we're hopefully doing up the shed for a place to hang out with friends. I can't wait. I want to buy this union jack trunk from the antique shop, then have random furniture in there and a music system. I love decorating places. It'll be nice in summer but it's still so cold at the moment, freezing out there.

One time, back when it was an office, (it's an out-house), mum went out to work in there at like 3 in the morning because she couldn't sleep. At around 4, mum heard someone outside and got a bit freaked. She was certain she could hear someone walking around the building, then it went silent. She then stayed there for about 2 hours and legged it into the house at daybreak.

Turns out, Joz had woken up, looked outside and thought he'd left the light on, so gone outside to turn it off. He heard mum inside but wasn't sure if there was anyone in there, she he walked around the building trying to hear more and then went back inside when he realised it was mum. So funny. He also left the heater on in there for about 4 days, parents not so pleased when it came to the lighting bill. Was nice and toasty in there though. Honestly, when I'm older I'm going to waste so much money on heating. Mum and dad always say 'put a jumper on' when I protest I'm cold, but then you wouldn't see my outfit!

Anyway, met my parents in boston today and mum had gone and bought Joy, (Kelly twin's mum), some tonic because she'd been complaining of being unwell. James, was in Boston with all his friends and his girlie, and mum was like: 'I'll go and give it to James for her.' Dad didn't want her to go, but it got to a point where she said 'I'm going to give it to him now you've been so rude.' and marched over and gave it to him. I pissed myself laughing when I saw everyone stare at her. I love having embarrassing parents. I'm so past being so embarrassed anymore, mum really has pushed the boundaries.

Also, flicking through an upcoming events calendar for the city hall mum saw a picture of this man and said 'Oh I went out with him' Only my mum. She's so proud to have been born in Essex.

Wednesday 14 March 2012

Also, just uploaded some pics onto the computer, here are some RETRO SHOTS

I'm writing this blog in general studies. I'm on a real high, I stink of body spray, I have cookies in my bag and I just feel excellent. Basically, I spent break with Izzy Humbey and had such a great time. I was in a bad mood and she made me feel tonnes better. If you talk really animatedly about something what you're saying is funnier and you feel much happier. SO anyway, I run into the common room- BOOM. Jessie, right there, already grinning as I enter. Then I'm like: "I'VE JUST BEEN WITH IZZY HUMBEY- ALSO, DO YOU HAVE ANY BODY SPRAY?!" She goes, "Give me the snood." takes it and says "You stink." Yes.

I go, "I'M FUCKING LATE FOR MY LESSON - I WAS WITH EVANS." She says, don't go. I shout "I HAVE TO- SPRAY ME!!" She sprays everywhere, I say fuck it spray in my mouth. I shut my eyes and open my mouth waiting for her to spray the body spray. But she laughs and doesn't, now I can taste it anyway from the excess all around me. I come out choking- BYEEEE!

Little chat with Kate Hoggard, shouting out of the common room. Now I'm sat here with a million photocopies of the same sheet because half our bloody table is skiving. Emma's drawing on her hand, Sophie's trying to read what I'm writing and Eleanor is looking at me like I'm dangerous. Taken my jacket off, dad's Tee cut up, messy hair, weird nail varnish colours. Not sure what look I'm aiming for but it feels fun. Sophie says this is funny. Yippeeeee! I AM ALIVE RIGHT NOW AAAAH!!

ALSO- APPRENTICE IS BACK! As normal we've got our range of 'wankers' as dad said:

So excited it looks amazing..

So funny, Stamdawg keeps chatting on and asking questions and no one is listening or knows any of the answers. Since I'm missing Georgina so much, I've written her two verses of a poem:

When you find someone you'll never feel alone.
When you find someone who makes you feel at home.
Someone you can talk to, at night and in the day.
Someone who mocks you, and tells you you are gay.

You're not my friend, you're my partner.
We're a double act though I am smarter.
You're the keen one, I'm the cool one,
But I'm so sad now that you're gone.

*cue hysterical girly screaming and hugging*

Here's a picture of what Emma got up to in general studies today:

Also, someone uploaded this on facebook yesterday and I loved it so much I'm re posting it:

Tuesday 13 March 2012

Wanted to start this blog with a few photos that I LOVE. Stuff like this makes me just want to go out and take photographs.

Had a pretty good day today, but also very uneventful. Think we may have sorted our drama out though, fingers crossed. Going to take some photos tomorrow in rehearsal and upload them. 

Monday 12 March 2012

Eeeeee just read Jessie's blog and she made me smile. So fuck it, yeah, she's been hyping up my playlist here's my playlist 'Feelin' Fly' I put this on when I'm getting ready to go out or I'm just happily working. It needs a bit of updating but you might find a few good pieces on here:
This song makes me feel nervous but also excited at the same time:

Keep finding these videos on my computer and this one made me laugh so much, Ollie drunk is just priceless:

Sunday 11 March 2012

STRESSED STRESSED STRESSED. Worse stress ever. I had a chat with dad about mum worrying about me going into drama, and now I feel really claustrophobic. I know they have your best interests at heart, but jesus it can be confining.

Also, had an argument with Beth and Pender today in L'Occitane, they call those hats 'flat peaks' where I call them 'snapbacks' which let's face it, wins just for sounding cooler. Anyway, I looked both these phrases up and they came up with the same style of hat. I googled what the difference is, and couldn't find it. So, if anyone knows the difference between a snapback and a flat peak, let me know.

Found this beautiful picture on my laptop earlier:

I love James.

Spoke to Izzy on friday, hadn't spoken to her in aaaaages and it's just shown me how much I miss her. Need to have a proper catch up at some point, she does me a lot of good. Apart from that, there's not much gossip from my end. Ooh, actually, yesterday I thought I was working 2 till 6 and then I got a phone call from my boss at like quarter past 11 asking where I was. Oops... got the wrong week.

Friday 9 March 2012

Apologies for being useless, been a hectic couple of days. So drama performance last night was pretty much as expected, we sort of pulled it off, but not completely. The set changes weren't great and there was an awkward moment where someone forgot their line and there was an incredibly long pause. I was flipping through the script trying to save them but they got it back on track pretty sharpish, awkward though. Space needs some work, and we need to slicken it up, but I think we got the character relationships pretty good.

We also got a chance to watch everyone else's performances as well, and I have to commend the Berkoff piece with Isobel, Louis and Henry in and the rendition of Alice in Wonderland which was done by the other drama class of girlies. The Berkoff piece blew me away, it was incredible. I've never seen Isobel move like she did, she was absolutely mind blowing. She's found her style of theatre I think. Louis and Henry's motorbike was also brilliant. They made it look really easy, and they performed it excellently. I didn't take any photos of the evening, for obvious reasons, but this is the motorbike they were making in the Berkoff piece:

The Alice in Wonderland piece was done based on child abuse and stuff, and it was AWESOME. It was more of an experience than a piece of theatre, but that was a good thing. They leapt around in the audience, the scene changes were done using blinking lighting, where the white lights flashed on and off really quickly, so the whole thing had an air of horror to it. I loved the leaping into the audience and the weird physical theatre in the whole piece. Very impressive. 

Mr Evans was less impressed with the make up smeared across the walls of the toilet today though, so Jessie and I had to clear up a bit.

Today though, has been pretty good. I left the house as my raincoat from asos arrived- IT'S SO BEAUTIFUL. I'm wearing it right now!

Umm... yeah ignore my face.

And in about an hour I'm being taken driving by Chris because he's just got his insurance and he's really excited. But then I told my dad I was going and he said 'This is the worst day to be a dad.' he's afraid we'll crash. I love him. But I trust Chris with my life and I have Jessie's snood so I'm happy as larry. Today Jessie said the best thing as well, I don't remember what we'd been talking about, but I said 'You can't do that!' and she said 'Yes I can. I'm Jessie fucking Whittick.' Chyeah, pretty much.

And not to make him too jealous of his brother's appearance on here, I LOVE YOU JAMES KELLY!

Wednesday 7 March 2012

Okeeeeeey tomorrow is our drama practical- it's going to be absolutely awful. I shall be blogging in floods of tears tomorrow evening.
If you haven't watched this Kony film already, you better watch it:

Really excited for this cover night, LET'S DO ITTTTT.

Tuesday 6 March 2012

Today somebody asked me why I had a blog, so I'm going to explain why.

When I told my brother Barney that I wanted to go into acting, he said starting a blog for reviews would be a good idea. That was the main reason I set it up, but then I thought actually I do love writing. Gimicky shit, stuff that sounds like a really shit version of a newspaper article. And so much funny shit happens in my life it's worth keeping a record of it.

So happy though, today I managed to bring my INCREDIBLY huge appetite down to one sandwich and a smoothie. I've been DEAD all day and am now gorging on chocolate to make up for it, but at least I've made one positive step in the right direction. I look forward to the day in 20 years time where they'll have found a way to eat unhealthy food healthily. And I bet they'll find a healthy cigarette and drugs. That'll be amazing.


Monday 5 March 2012

Okay, so dad's back home. He buys mum an iPod touch, and this is what I get:

Ahaha, although to be honest, it's made me friggin happy. It's called Lorenzo, it squeaks and it now lives on top of our inflatable moose head, Dwight.

OLLIE SHORT IS A BITCH. End of the day, I was desperate for a wee, and he said I should go in bish because he had to walk to choir, (which he was already 20 minutes late for), so I agreed and went with him. He takes me past the front gate and says 'Don't go in the loos by the drama room, go in the chapel block' I'm busting, but I go with him. He takes me into the chapel block, again says no to me going to the ladies because those are staff loos, takes me into the building round the back, under the stairs. 

So I go in, chatting away and I suddenly notice the urinals and toilet seats left up around me, so I turn to Ollie and go: 'Are these the men's loos?!' and he says 'Yep!' and leaves me! I was BUSTING so I thought fuck it I'm going to the loo, (when I spoke to Georgina after she thought I'd gone in the urinals but I didn't), so I do. I come out the loo, having heard someone come in and not being sure if they left, and I'm greeted by this child at the urinal, who's looking at me in horror, and I stand there laughing going 'Um... my friend left me in here as a joke, I'm really sorry.' And then I have to wash my hands as quick as possible and leave, and I thought I was going to burn up with embarrassment. OLLIE- I HATE YOU.

I'm going to get revenge. Somehow...

Sunday 4 March 2012

Because I've been absent for SO long and let you all down, (*sarcastic awkward laugh* haaaa....), here's a joke to make up for it. Sorry if it causes any offence.

A man goes away on a business trip, and goes to the pub one night. In the corner, he sees a salesman with a cage, so after a few pints, he goes over to the man and asks what's in the cage.

The salesman says 'It's a weasel, you want it?'
The man replies: 'Why would I want a weasel!?'
And the salesman tells him: 'Because this weasel gives the best blow jobs in the world. Tell you what, take him to the loo for a while and see for yourself.' So the man does, and he comes back from the loo and says:
'You know, that was the best blow job I've ever had.' And he buys the weasel.

When he gets back from the business trip, his wife sees the cage and says 'What's that?'
And he tells her: 'I bought a weasel.'
And she says 'Why on earth did you buy a weasel?'
He explains 'It gives the best blow jobs in the world.'
Exasperated, she asks 'Well what do you expect me to do from now on then?'

And he says: 'Teach it to cook and then FUCK OFF.'
Okay, 3 day lapse of musings over, I'm back from a lovely weekend! Was in Portsmouth yesterday, really lovely. Bought a GORGEOUS shirt from Superdry because it was on sale, bring it. And then I'd forgotten my black shoes for choir so I HAD to buy a new pair - what a shame!! Anyway, had evensong for a cappella, which was pretty uneventful. Apart from, they had really cheap flimsy stalls, so when we sat down we almost tipped it over, it was so funny.

Then rapped with Sushmi back to Sals, and overheard her having a horrible conversation about parents hitting people. Not very nice.

At the minute, I'm just really excited for dad to come home. Mum's gone into manic decorating overdrive and is working waaaay too hard, so when dad's back she can have some of the strain taken off her. Plus dad's been really homesick so it'll be nice to have him safely back with us. Two weeks went fast.

As for me, I'll enjoy not having white paint all over random bits of clothing and my hand, I touched the banister pretty much every time I went past it, never learnt the lesson. Been in a mad homework mood today and got a lot done, so I'm very happy. I think having a shorter work shift made all the difference really.

You know what's annoying though, this whole, putting a number after a password shit. How in any way does that make it more secure? It's completely stupid, my password is impossible to guess, so how will having a number make it any more safe? It's stupid! Yes, I do actually understand there must be some kind of reason for it, like if a computer is hacking you and can work out what your password is, but what are the chances of that happening to me? And to be honest, if a computer hacks my blog, I don't think they're going to find anything interesting, and they wouldn't be able to come up with a very good false blogpost pretending to be me.

Here's Mr Chow agreeing with me:

so anyway, despite being a good girl and doing my homework tonight, I found this picture, I like it:


Thursday 1 March 2012

SO had a drama workshop today and actually found it pretty good. We started by having to make the opening scene of Our Country's Good using random props, and it was very insightful. (Check me out using new words). Then we had to do that shit thing where we walk around the room and become a character, which I don't find useful for characterisation at all. I don't think you can just understand the character by saying a few characteristics, you have to get to know them first.

Anyway, then we did some analysing of a fraction of the script, and it was actually interesting how much you could figure out from looking closely at the lines. I'm not normally for analysing, but if it gets you closer to getting the play right, hey ho that's cool.

Then we watched the Berkoff performance they did. I have to say, it was the first Berkoff styled production I'd seen and I was really wondering what I'd make of it. Having seen it now, I'd say that Berkoff isn't a style of theatre that engages me. I was entertained for a while, till it sagged a little, I thought the actors were very good and the use of the space was brilliant.

There were a couple of awesome perks, like when the guy had fake legs that they used to show him climbing around the room. And when he was stood up in front of a white screen holding a blanket and with a cloth hung over the top to make it look like a bed but stood up, clever stuff. But I just didn't enjoy the pace of the actors when they were all doing different routines on the stage. I also didn't lock into the piece like I do with naturalistic pieces.

And to be downright honest, I think the family in the story are shit. The son who works to keep them out of debt because no one else can turns into and insect and they lock it away and take all its stuff and then hardly feed it, and then throw apples at it and kill it. I found myself thinking this is your bloody child. What the hell are you doing.

At the end though, the woman came out and said she needed to go and 'deminge' which I think is possibly the best terminology I've ever heard for 'have a wash'. Apart from the words Jess was making up later in drama rehearsal for boobs. I'm not even going there. I got a couple of very excited texts later that day though about George's chest (we'd all casually been flashing) so it's been a very entertaining day to say the least.