Wednesday 14 March 2012

I'm writing this blog in general studies. I'm on a real high, I stink of body spray, I have cookies in my bag and I just feel excellent. Basically, I spent break with Izzy Humbey and had such a great time. I was in a bad mood and she made me feel tonnes better. If you talk really animatedly about something what you're saying is funnier and you feel much happier. SO anyway, I run into the common room- BOOM. Jessie, right there, already grinning as I enter. Then I'm like: "I'VE JUST BEEN WITH IZZY HUMBEY- ALSO, DO YOU HAVE ANY BODY SPRAY?!" She goes, "Give me the snood." takes it and says "You stink." Yes.

I go, "I'M FUCKING LATE FOR MY LESSON - I WAS WITH EVANS." She says, don't go. I shout "I HAVE TO- SPRAY ME!!" She sprays everywhere, I say fuck it spray in my mouth. I shut my eyes and open my mouth waiting for her to spray the body spray. But she laughs and doesn't, now I can taste it anyway from the excess all around me. I come out choking- BYEEEE!

Little chat with Kate Hoggard, shouting out of the common room. Now I'm sat here with a million photocopies of the same sheet because half our bloody table is skiving. Emma's drawing on her hand, Sophie's trying to read what I'm writing and Eleanor is looking at me like I'm dangerous. Taken my jacket off, dad's Tee cut up, messy hair, weird nail varnish colours. Not sure what look I'm aiming for but it feels fun. Sophie says this is funny. Yippeeeee! I AM ALIVE RIGHT NOW AAAAH!!

ALSO- APPRENTICE IS BACK! As normal we've got our range of 'wankers' as dad said:

So excited it looks amazing..

So funny, Stamdawg keeps chatting on and asking questions and no one is listening or knows any of the answers. Since I'm missing Georgina so much, I've written her two verses of a poem:

When you find someone you'll never feel alone.
When you find someone who makes you feel at home.
Someone you can talk to, at night and in the day.
Someone who mocks you, and tells you you are gay.

You're not my friend, you're my partner.
We're a double act though I am smarter.
You're the keen one, I'm the cool one,
But I'm so sad now that you're gone.

*cue hysterical girly screaming and hugging*

Here's a picture of what Emma got up to in general studies today:

Also, someone uploaded this on facebook yesterday and I loved it so much I'm re posting it:

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