Saturday 17 March 2012

Just been to see The Woman in Black with Georgina, and oh my goodness it's a jumpy film. I'm not totally convinced it was that scary, but it was very surprising at times. It's also official, Daniel Radcliffe has ruined his career by being Harry Potter. He just doesn't look genuine enough for anything else. A shame really, I don't think he's that bad an actor. But not good enough to launch his career into another gear.

Also, really happy, I've finished the first act of this play I'm writing. It needs major editing once it's done, but I think there might be something in it. It's about this group of sixth formers, 3 girls, 3 boys. A whole load of shit happens to them, and then it becomes too much for Lucy, who arranges with her boyfriend Harry to run away. They're involved in a car accident and she gets amnesia. When she wakes up, she remembers being in year 11, and she's now friends with people she used to hate. Her friendship group now have to decide whether they risk telling her everything and hope she forgives them, or risk not telling her and hoping she doesn't get her memory back.

Should be pretty interesting. I love the characters.
Lucy - a bold personality who's really at the centre of the group
Harry - (Lucy's boyfriend) genuinely nice guy who spends all his time trying to keep Lucy happy
Carl - A slimy guy, not certain whether he's actually nice or just a bit of a showy offy wanker.
Jas - shy, a pushover, and very morally against anything bad Molly or Lucy get up to.
Molly - an agressive unstable character
Jackson - Lives around Molly's mood swings and despite being a nice guy has plenty of hidden agression

Actually, I did have casting almost figured out, but I've now had quite a few people wanting to be in it, so I need to do some thinking. Might open it up to people. Fuck it yeah, if you would be interested in being in this, then send me an email or something. Although, I've already bagsied Molly. Also not sure at the moment whether to have a collaborative director or to select someone to do it, so if anyone is interested in that let me know.

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