Monday 28 January 2013

My brother posted on Facebook with his desert island discs, which made me think about what mine would be. For those of you who are unfamiliar with the show, it's on BBC4 (radio) on sundays, and it's a woman called Kirsty something interviewing people, as if they were being sent on a desert island. They can take 8 records, but ultimately they pick one, 1 book and 1 luxury item.

I know I'm still like 12 and haven't had many years to compile my special records, but anyway. Here are mine and my reasons why:

1. Phil Collins - In The Air Tonight

My whole family would sit in silence and wait for the massive drum solo in this song. One of my dad's favourites, and one that always reminds me of being a kid.

2. Harris - Faire is the Heaven

This is a piece we did in choir, and I remember singing it for the first time and it was the moment I fell in love with classical music. I'd been at a lot of concerts because of my parents when I was little, but this was the music which entertained me for the first time. I have very fond memories of this piece, singing with Sushmi, Ruth and Clare especially.

3. Queen - You're My Best Friend

I walked past a cafe blasting this out one morning when I was feeling really down, since then it's never failed to make me feel better again.

4. Skrillex - Scary Monsters and Nice Sprites

A rebellious patch of sixth form, as rebellious as I ever got anyway. It was a big emotional song for me for a while, now it just reminds me of screaming the noises and pretending to throw up singing along in Ollie's car.

5. Tempz Next Hype

The best night of my life. Hearing this song booming out, I felt absolutely terrified but it was the best feeling of defiance. The first time I felt like I was breaking the rules.

6. Easy Justin Vernon

Ultimate depressing song. Tea at 3 in the morning. This song expresses everything you feel at that time in the morning. It's perfect.

7. XXYYXX - About You

This is my song. I hear it and I feel like me. It's as sad as it sounds.

8. Fairground Attraction - The Wind Knows My Name

A song that's going to break my heart one day.

My main song I'd pick would be About You because I'd want to stay sane for as long as possible. My book would probably be Lady Chatterley's Lover, it's lovely and funny. Luxury item would be endless supplies of cereal. I fucking love cereal.

Now listen to this and cry.

Saturday 26 January 2013

Tonight I sang a solo in a choir concert. I have never been more terrified. I had to tense my arse to stop my leg shaking, I lost my voice two movements away from it and tried to clear it by coughing, which wrecked it even more. My nerves always destroy me, when I started singing I couldn't hear myself, but I knew it was going well because I looked at Mrs Poppleton and she was mouthing: "YES!" as I sang my very very very endlessly long high note without having to stop for a breath. I am so relieved it's over now, but I got such a kick out of it.

I'm feeling lucky at the minute, my driving theory went smoothly, then the solo, my mock driving test and other little things. Good things keep happening to me, so let's hope that's something that's rubbed off on my exams. Today I wished I'd decided to go on a gap year for the first time. Mum spoke to a girl who has the same birthday as me, and she was really surprised I haven't chosen one and I didn't realise but I think Mum wished I would go on one. I think I had an idea in my head that I'd have to stay in Salisbury for another 6 months and my life would turn into a blur of working, annoying my parents and drinking wine in a field with Ollie. Because I'd need the money to travel.

I guess it wouldn't have to be like that, Tim's going to be a chalet-girl (but with a penis) and he's going on a cookery course, I am insanely jealous. I have always wanted to be a chalet-girl (but without the penis) since I watched that film... what's it called. Oh. I think it's called chalet-girl. That's embarrassing, I genuinely couldn't remember the name for it.


I didn't finish Monday did I?

I could go sightseeing. I haven't done that for a while. There are still places in London I haven't been to- Tower of London, London Dungeons... maybe even the Zoo. That seems to feel like a lot of energy for a Monday after seeing my brothers. The best suggestion I have thought of is to walk along Southbank, see if there's anything exciting happening there. Maybe just sit and watch people skating, as long as they don't ask me to 'try out my blade skills' again. That ankle is still recovering.

On second thoughts maybe I won't watch today. I go onto the tube line. What am I looking for. I pick a place off the map that I've never been to. Sudbury Town. That sounds like a shit hole, yet it's a route on the tube. Of course I'm going to pick it, so I begin to weave my way down into the tunnels. I always think it feels like going into some kind of spaceship, a bit further down into the earth than you'd like to be, no way of getting out fast... almost like you should be wearing some special mask to be down there.

I mean, I love it. It's very London and British, so yay. I'm sat across from an annoyingly public couple... get a room. Seriously.

It's a nice moment to think about my life. I'm hungover, missing work on the tube in London - I've made it!

There's a guy asleep opposite with me with a massive rucksack. It's hard to tell what he looks like, he's got an awful hat on and needs a shave and shower, and by the looks of it he hasn't slept in years. You can tell he may have been attractive a couple of years ago. He's not even that old yet either, I don't think, which is the saddest part. I squint at him and try to work out what his life is like. I don't think he's homeless because... because I like him too much to imagine he's homeless. I think he's quiet, but not because he's shy, he's just the type that'll speak when there's something worth saying, or needs saying. He doesn't waste your time, he just wastes his own. He's been travelling. Maybe he's been hiking somewhere, he has a nice tan now I look at his skin. Some of it is badly freckled, like he's been somewhere without protecting himself. Africa. He's been to Africa.

He's adventurous but he doesn't comment on how things look nice when you're in front of an amazing view... what's the point of saying something that can speak for itself? He appreciates things inwardly, which is why he's not got a girlfriend. They never understand why he doesn't warm to them, but he just does inwardly. He doesn't get that those girls don't get he's not a talker. He's not really a listener, if you're talking crap.

He doesn't listen to crap, which is why he has no good job. His parent's think they've bruised him somehow, he's not normal. But he's lovely and a nice person. And he paints.

I contemplate waking him for a moment... he may have missed his stop. I've decided he is going somewhere specific... to see someone. I should wake him, but I don't. I get off the train. But I do stand and watch him pull away, trapped in that cylinder with the awful couple. I realise I made the wrong decision, but it's gone now.

This has put a dampener on my day all of a sudden, and this isn't made any better when I'm walking along Sudbury Town, which surprisingly, isn't a shit hole. It's small, but pretty.

It doesn't feel like London. I hate that.

This isn't made any better when someone behind me calls out my name. When I turn around I'm greeted by this face:

Now why the bloody hell would I know you, how have you been part of my life.

Oh great. It's you. I never spoke to you, seeing as you were years above me. So what if you knew Barney, I'm not interested in your life. Please don't suggest we have a coffee and 'catch up'.

Who. Are. You.

Sorry I'm actually on my way for a meeting right now, so coffee isn't an option. Um... no thanks I think I'll leave your number.

I walk away quickly, resenting the attention from someone who knows me. I'm in London, it's huge, why can't I be not recognised today. On the positive side, he could've been someone I actually cared to see, so I've not been spotted hanging. I'm a big believer in signs, this is a sign that I should've woken that guy. A definite sign, somehow, I just feel it. I didn't fancy him, I just found him interesting you know? You want to get to know strangers sometimes. Hell, we were on circle line we could've gone round and round, he certainly was.

Wednesday 23 January 2013

 I found a bunch of these funny photos on a website called, which had me laughing for ages.

There are some more hilarious ones online, but these were some of my favourites.

This one is funnier...

And my personal favourite...


I've had a really vacant day. My first lesson went soooo slowly. Then class civ was quite quick, which was different. I think the chocolate eggs helped to be honest.

Bex and I have planned to go to London in Easter, which is really coming together now. I've looked up a bunch of good charity shops to look at, we've got plans to see a show and meals and things. This could be the best year. And I expect we'll both be there crying over our exam results. I hope not.

I'm finding myself really stressed out this year by exams. I really have no idea how I've done. I wish you could retake particular modules in the exam. Normally people have one part of the course mastered and the other part is less good, which you have to put down to teaching right? But it's so hard not having any idea how you've done. I'm stressing about it. Mrs Imms told me I panic in my exams and ruin them, and I'm so so worried I've done that again. I haven't even had my class civ yet, imagine how tough that's going to be.

AND WHERE THE HELL HAS MY HAIR BRUSH GONE?! Honestly, it ALWAYS disappears and I have no idea why. The same bloody item, every time. Gods sake.

Tuesday 22 January 2013

Found this band the other day, good stuff. Love it when you find a new band and every song you listen to is good.

Hannah. Here is another way I'm proving I love Justin more than you:


(Sorry about that folkes)

Finished my January A levels. It's snowing again. I had a bath. These are the 3 main things functioning in my life this present moment.

Anyway, even James Kelly told me he liked the London post, (it's been very popular of course), so I thought I'd do another one. This is a Monday up till lunch time.

Today is a monday. I don't know why it is a Monday, but it is. This Saturday just gone I made the effort in our monthly meet up with myself and my two brothers. This was of course a huge mistake. It's 7am on Monday morning and I still feel nauseous from all of the drinks. I give up, I am a lightweight and they win.

Anyway. I'm awake now. It's that decision between calling in sick or not being a pansy and getting up...

...Okay. No need to make the decision anymore. I've actually been sick.

I get back into bed and pull the covers over my head, wanting to never move again. Fresh sheets. What I wouldn't give for the old lavender Mum used to iron onto our clean sheets. Call-Me-Sky-But-My-Real-Name-Is-Jenny shouts from the kitchen that she's made me a pancake/omelette. Right now, the thought of eating makes me want to curl up in a ball and self destruct. But unfortunately I'm way too curious to find out what an omelette/pancake is. It sounds wonderfully disgusting. I yell at Sky that I'm coming and flop out of bed to find something to slob on.

BLOODY HELL KNOCK! Sky's just walked in. Again. "Oh I thought you'd want it in bed because of your weekend."

Wow. That looks absolutely lovely Sky, but I'm still feeling quite sick...

Right. On the other hand I'd love the omelette. Is there any chance you could just do that in your bedroom?

Um... Okay don't worry. Ha-have a nice day then Sky!

Ohhh she's gone.

I call my work. Lisa isn't very pleased with me... I rattle off an excuse about a hospital emergency and get the hell off the phone. I have a bath to cheer myself up. Wearing a hat. Because you know... YOLO and that.

(I've been wondering when that picture would be useful... still sensing it's not the right time)

I get out from the bath and collapse straight onto the sofa. Jeremy Kyle is yelling at some fat woman with hoop earrings and telling her that her son has turned out like a fuck wit because she used to snort coke off his body as a child. I'm not 100% sure what's going on... but it seems he's now knocked up his ex's cousin, but he now thinks he's gay because he hallucinated on speed and had a vision of Jesus naked calling him to bed.

That's the jist. I'm bored. I'm going shopping. I head over to Chelsea and walk into all those little designer boutiques, talking at 0.1 mph and flicking my hair a lot.

Can I help you?

Just browsing thank you, (like I could afford a shop assistant's old gum from this place).

I run away at 0.1 mph so as not to look noticeable. I tell her I'll send 'Daddy' in later and smile gracefully. I trip up on the perfectly tripped lemon tree on the way out. What now?

Monday 21 January 2013

I'm very nervous about this because I don't like my singing voice, so please don't laugh at me.

And yeah, that's all you're getting today. Ta.

Sunday 20 January 2013

There Will  Come A Day

There will come a day where you think of me,
A day when someone screams my name on the street.
You'll hear it and find yourself looking around you,
And when you think of me you'll think differently.

Everything that you think I am right now,
Will one day be null and void.
Because that's the day when you'll suddenly realise.
What you had with me 'fore it was destroyed.

You were looking for that somebody perfect,
Who'd change your life in one glance.
But when I was waiting under your nose,
Wondering if you'd ever take that chance.

But nobody is perfect, 
And you're not even close sweetheart.
I knew I could be a stronger person.
That's the thought I learned to believe.

There will come a day when you think of me,
You'll realise what you never had.
And for a change when you think of me then onwards,
The facts will drive you slowly mad.

I found this somewhere ages ago, and it's saved on my computer. It's kinda cute. It reminds me of those moments when you admit you're worth something. I always liked that expression: "Sometimes you don't get what you want, not because you're not worth it, but because you're worth more." I think we all have people that we know will one day realise they got you wrong. I think I have several.

I keep thinking about university and how different it's going to be. I think it's sad, how people come in and out of your lives so easily and quickly. There are so many people you used to be closer with, and when you find old messages from them it's strange. Like you're reading messages from someone dead to someone else dead. Either you're not that person anymore, neither are they, or it's just not something you could imagine them ever saying to you. Sometimes I find old messages from people and it's so uncharacteristic I wonder whether Facebook has broken what was actually said.

It scares me a bit, I'm not sure whether there's such a thing as long term friends. I don't know how long you're meant to stick around with someone, if the annoying things about them or the unpleasant things about them are worth putting up with. Everyone searches for the perfect friend, but I don't think they exist. Everyone has their FLAWS, but it's funny you never expect your friends to have FLAWS. There are moments where a friend will do something and you find yourself smiling at them thinking "I fucking love you." Sometimes when you lose a friend, I think the person you were with them sort of dies out. Or you're learning and growing up. I'd love a copy of the friend guidebook, to know what you should and shouldn't deal with, how to act and how to handle tricky situations. It's especially hard when your friend will never understand the situation from a different context, that's normally the last nail in the coffin I think. You should always see it from the other persons side. Unless of course you're looking for a reason to ditch someone, feel free to piss off in that case. (Joking obviously).  (....)



Tuesday 15 January 2013

My Mum pointed this out tonight watching a very sad film about Meryl Streep dying of Radioactivity + a car accident (I cried):

Okay, I haven't been able to put them alongside each other...

...but do you see what I see? Weirdly similar.

And Evie will never know because she doesn't read my 'musings'.

I've also started to wonder whether emoticons are on their way out... I have to admit I use them a lot. For example, you get a text like: "Are you walking?" and it feels rude to say "Yes." so I always put a smile. But sometimes you'll get in a text conversation with someone and realise they haven't used any, and you've put three in each text. (Bit of an over-exaggeration for effect but roll with me). So I'm starting to wonder, is it time I stopped? Adults don't often use them but that's because people like my parents have no idea how to create them, so Mum gave up after a few attempts at this :] and this >£

Enough said really.

I may try to cut down my emoticon usage from now on.

What else have I been up to? Not much. I've almost finished this darned play. Today I looked like a twat in drama, Miss Shingles asked us to bring in something strange to 'inspire' us for our devised pieces. The one time she doesn't bloody check what we've got, last time I had to pretend the inspiration was my bloody General Studies textbook, which is a joke. So today I was sat in our class with fairy wings on my back thinking how well I'd done, and at no point did she congratulate me or even mention the wings. For about 20 minutes I sat there with people coming up to me and going: "Why the wings?" until eventually I had to turn to James and say "This is embarrassing I'm going to take the wings off now." which is annoying because it means James wins and he always wins so that's annoying.

I've been getting frustrated with my Twitter, because for some reason it won't let me post this photo. So I'm going to write exactly what I was going to IF TWITTER WOULD FUCKING WORK and post the photo here:

@TomSmith_77 slapped @JamesRHKelly in the genitals #thatsgottahurt #hellneverhavechildren

Thursday 10 January 2013

I'm doing this new positivity thing where I try not to let myself think about things so much. I've been coming up with every possible kind of distraction. So right now, I'm listening to incredibly loud music (ish, my dad is still home so it's not that loud) and eating shreddies off the desk whilst typing as fast as I can so my mind is literally hemorrhaging with information but it doesn't have time to process it. So distracting is going well. Recently it hasn't taken this much to ignore everything I want to ignore, but you know when you're low you're more partial to be exempt and let yourself feel emotional things. Well I just watched a sad film by myself, (okay not very sad it was 'New Years' or something but the scene where Robert DeNiro dies and then Hally Berry is talking to her boyfriend over skype on new years because he's out somewhere at war), and now I feel kind of like I'm having a low point in the week but I'm going to keep eating shreddies and maybe have a drink to calm myself.

My arm really hurts. It's how I imagine shooting pains would be in your left arm when your heart is going crazy, but it's in my right arm. But it doesn't really feel like that, it feels more bruised you know?

Tell 'em hey! Give me everything tonight.

Going mad going mad going mad. Okay I may need to get more cereal because I'm running out of shreddies. But then I do feel a wee bit sick. Jeez I feel hyper.

I'm wired and hyper but my head's really tired but for some reason I'm awake at the same time. I was thinking the other day about how everyone is always really tired, and I don't think anyone ever feels properly awake. I mean seriously, when have you ever thought "jesus I'm awake"? Sleeping loads in holidays makes me more tired and not sleeping makes me tired. Maybe feeling awake is just feeling tired but like moderately tired.

I'm enjoying this now:

Woaaaaah I just sat back for a second and took this massive breath and my whole ribcage went really wide and relief sort of washed over me. I think I've pushed past my downer mood now. Gotta keep doing that technique then. That was great. Distractions can be so helpful.

Wednesday 9 January 2013

Here are some of my recent adventures at work. I have been working at L'OCCITANE since November 2012 and it has taken me over a year to discover that we have a hand dryer in the loo. I always used the towels, and never even noticed the bloody thing. It's not a very powerful dryer, so I still use the towels but it's nice to know that it's there.

For Christmas there were little touches of the season around the work place...

Okay that was the extent of it. But it was very sad when it went:

Anyway. Sorry for the delay over these past couple of days, I've been trying to think of what to say really.


I'll get back to you. I'm tired.


Ps. my desk area smells really nice because I ate a strawberry yoghurt earlier and the smell has dissipated. I'll throw it away tomorrow...

Thursday 3 January 2013

I'm getting an insight into what life would be like if I were to fail miserably. That's what holidays feel like. You know that period of the day in-between revising and sleeping where you sit in front of the t.v. with a bland expression, and you watch some random crap and finish off the rest of the shreddies, without the milk because you forgot to get it from the fridge when you went next door. That, I reckon is how unemployment feels. Without the 3 hours in the morning of drawing Tartuffe in a 19th century french outfit and doing hazard perception until you can practical regurgitate the answers. Alcohol gives an increased, false sense of confidence.

Anyway. On the plus side, tomorrow night I have Miss Evans coming round for dinner. That means I can give her the gin I bought her (or Dad bought her... "I'll pay you back Daddy love you lots and lot forever and thing...") and we can talk about how ugly the school toilets are and how stressful art is. It's going to be a larf.

My Dad went back to work today. He came to wake me at about 11, so I got grumpy at him for waking me early, and he was all like... 'see you sunday' and I was all like... 'yeah whatever' and then he left and I registered what he said and I felt quite bad. Sorry Pa. So he left, Dad and I have a tradition when Mum goes away where we have bangers and mash for supper with real pork sausages without apple or lemon in or whatever crap Mum puts in them. Anyway tonight, Dad went away and Mum made bangers and mash. Except the mash had celeriac in and the sausages were herby fried with onions and beetroot. It made me chuckle.


Wednesday 2 January 2013

I've had quite an up/down day. I had a bad work shift, because I hadn't worked in over a week and all the new sale stuff had millions of discount codes and confusing dates and things and I totally fell apart. Spent most of the day hiding behind my cleaning and eating the "L'occitane" chocolates. It's one of my lines I use on customers, when I offer wine and they look undecided, I always say: "If you don't drink it I will, and I know which my manager would prefer!" Oh the laughs to be had. I use the same line with the chocolates too. Except I miss out the manager part. Honestly. I am very bad at my job.

At least I spent my lunch break with Bex which made me feel better. And I bought my favourite sandwich from Tesco (red cheddar and tomato) and I have to say that I don't think it's very good anymore. I know today was it's last shelf day, so the bread was a bit on the crusty side, (stepping away from the innuendo there), but I just didn't find myself loving it as much as I once did. I feel quite moved by that, it's time to move on. It's always hard when you don't have a favourite sandwich anymore. I'll find a new one.

After a long day, I went to Izzy's and booked our holiday to Malia, which is SO exciting. Came in around 360 quid as well, we were chuffed as anything. Let's just hope that the room doesn't have cockroaches or anything...

Happy 18th to Barney today, and James Bradwell. Barney, I am horrendously broke but I know what I'm getting you. Sorry for the delay.

I spent most of today in a daydream imagining what I'd be doing if I had a life in London. Imagining being in the next place is keeping me focused at the minute. Here's how London life would go:

So, I'm 24, done my degree in English in London. But I'm working in Proportion 'until I get my bearings' which is what I said over a year ago now, but hey, it's all working progress right? One day I'll get round to banging down BBC's door, but not today. Not now. I'm happy working there with the girls in floaty skirts and straight-white teeth smiles. It's even nice to pretend I'm a bit like that. And my mum is so proud of me now, I drink more tea than her.

I wake up at 7:30... or someone wakes me at 7:30, I'm still impossible to wake.

Make some tea for me and whoever's lying in my bed. (Bit cheeky.) I'll do my yoga and then stumble into whatever outfit I've laid out the night before. My bag is big enough to put all my work in, but I'd rather carry it. I always think carrying work makes you look inquisitive and young and I like that. So I still do it.

Leave the house at 8:30, get the tube to work which is HEAVING and I love it. There's nothing like ruining the perfume you put on this morning by pressing 10 strangers into your body in a steel cylinder. Every time the voice says: "This is the Piccadilly line to... Cockfosters"
I laugh, too loudly, then go back to trying to read Lady Chatterley's Lover (which Mum gave to me when I was what...17? A child anyway). I grab a coffee from the coffee shop: "Via-Agra" across the way, because it's been over a year and it still makes me laugh to myself every morning.

Arrive at work, take off my sunglasses and flash that same smile I think the other girls are doing... is that right?

...maybe not. I must remember to practise that at home. I spend the morning unwrapping legs and swearing because Mush has sent us the wrong bloody colour from the warehouse. I drink tea. I listen to Fearne Cotton saying literally nothing of importance as she plays the same songs on radio one that she did yesterday. I always grimace at around 12, because I know she's about to loop the morning playback. Charts music round two anyone? I drink tea.

I cut up some hair really small and glue it to a proto-type. It looks rubbish because I've not cut it small enough, so I start again. Is that time for another cup of tea? At lunch I have an email from Dad. He's got no idea what to get Mum for her birthday and he's sent me a photo of a hideous pair of shoes he's panicked and bought her.

I call him and let him down gently. Then what... drum my fingers... I have an across town appointment after lunch, so I leave early and catch an exhibition on colour. It's relevant right? I take photos and get told off by the security guard.

Then, off to my last meeting. I leave work early and go straight to have drinks with my old school friend. Man I haven't seen Her in the longest time. She reminds of the time She pushed me into the fire alarm. The time we crashed that girl's party. The time we fake tanned and it went wrong. The time we got so drunk we didn't even make it to the party. The time She got humous all over my face. We laugh about the drinks we used to think were 'sick' and the music we used to listen to... sorry, the 'noise'. I still love it and She secretly does too. Another cocktail.

"WKD's actually taste so good though"

I get a little bit tipsy and then go to His work and meet him, saying embarrassingly emotional things. He has to take me home leaning on his hip, which is probably hard work for him but it makes me feel blissful. Oh god... that's a word my mum uses. I'm getting older. I have a late supper at home and watch something lame on T.V. it annoys me I've wasted that time of my life if I'm honest.

Bed. Oh, and a last cup of tea.