Wednesday 2 January 2013

I've had quite an up/down day. I had a bad work shift, because I hadn't worked in over a week and all the new sale stuff had millions of discount codes and confusing dates and things and I totally fell apart. Spent most of the day hiding behind my cleaning and eating the "L'occitane" chocolates. It's one of my lines I use on customers, when I offer wine and they look undecided, I always say: "If you don't drink it I will, and I know which my manager would prefer!" Oh the laughs to be had. I use the same line with the chocolates too. Except I miss out the manager part. Honestly. I am very bad at my job.

At least I spent my lunch break with Bex which made me feel better. And I bought my favourite sandwich from Tesco (red cheddar and tomato) and I have to say that I don't think it's very good anymore. I know today was it's last shelf day, so the bread was a bit on the crusty side, (stepping away from the innuendo there), but I just didn't find myself loving it as much as I once did. I feel quite moved by that, it's time to move on. It's always hard when you don't have a favourite sandwich anymore. I'll find a new one.

After a long day, I went to Izzy's and booked our holiday to Malia, which is SO exciting. Came in around 360 quid as well, we were chuffed as anything. Let's just hope that the room doesn't have cockroaches or anything...

Happy 18th to Barney today, and James Bradwell. Barney, I am horrendously broke but I know what I'm getting you. Sorry for the delay.

I spent most of today in a daydream imagining what I'd be doing if I had a life in London. Imagining being in the next place is keeping me focused at the minute. Here's how London life would go:

So, I'm 24, done my degree in English in London. But I'm working in Proportion 'until I get my bearings' which is what I said over a year ago now, but hey, it's all working progress right? One day I'll get round to banging down BBC's door, but not today. Not now. I'm happy working there with the girls in floaty skirts and straight-white teeth smiles. It's even nice to pretend I'm a bit like that. And my mum is so proud of me now, I drink more tea than her.

I wake up at 7:30... or someone wakes me at 7:30, I'm still impossible to wake.

Make some tea for me and whoever's lying in my bed. (Bit cheeky.) I'll do my yoga and then stumble into whatever outfit I've laid out the night before. My bag is big enough to put all my work in, but I'd rather carry it. I always think carrying work makes you look inquisitive and young and I like that. So I still do it.

Leave the house at 8:30, get the tube to work which is HEAVING and I love it. There's nothing like ruining the perfume you put on this morning by pressing 10 strangers into your body in a steel cylinder. Every time the voice says: "This is the Piccadilly line to... Cockfosters"
I laugh, too loudly, then go back to trying to read Lady Chatterley's Lover (which Mum gave to me when I was what...17? A child anyway). I grab a coffee from the coffee shop: "Via-Agra" across the way, because it's been over a year and it still makes me laugh to myself every morning.

Arrive at work, take off my sunglasses and flash that same smile I think the other girls are doing... is that right?

...maybe not. I must remember to practise that at home. I spend the morning unwrapping legs and swearing because Mush has sent us the wrong bloody colour from the warehouse. I drink tea. I listen to Fearne Cotton saying literally nothing of importance as she plays the same songs on radio one that she did yesterday. I always grimace at around 12, because I know she's about to loop the morning playback. Charts music round two anyone? I drink tea.

I cut up some hair really small and glue it to a proto-type. It looks rubbish because I've not cut it small enough, so I start again. Is that time for another cup of tea? At lunch I have an email from Dad. He's got no idea what to get Mum for her birthday and he's sent me a photo of a hideous pair of shoes he's panicked and bought her.

I call him and let him down gently. Then what... drum my fingers... I have an across town appointment after lunch, so I leave early and catch an exhibition on colour. It's relevant right? I take photos and get told off by the security guard.

Then, off to my last meeting. I leave work early and go straight to have drinks with my old school friend. Man I haven't seen Her in the longest time. She reminds of the time She pushed me into the fire alarm. The time we crashed that girl's party. The time we fake tanned and it went wrong. The time we got so drunk we didn't even make it to the party. The time She got humous all over my face. We laugh about the drinks we used to think were 'sick' and the music we used to listen to... sorry, the 'noise'. I still love it and She secretly does too. Another cocktail.

"WKD's actually taste so good though"

I get a little bit tipsy and then go to His work and meet him, saying embarrassingly emotional things. He has to take me home leaning on his hip, which is probably hard work for him but it makes me feel blissful. Oh god... that's a word my mum uses. I'm getting older. I have a late supper at home and watch something lame on T.V. it annoys me I've wasted that time of my life if I'm honest.

Bed. Oh, and a last cup of tea.

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