Monday 28 January 2013

My brother posted on Facebook with his desert island discs, which made me think about what mine would be. For those of you who are unfamiliar with the show, it's on BBC4 (radio) on sundays, and it's a woman called Kirsty something interviewing people, as if they were being sent on a desert island. They can take 8 records, but ultimately they pick one, 1 book and 1 luxury item.

I know I'm still like 12 and haven't had many years to compile my special records, but anyway. Here are mine and my reasons why:

1. Phil Collins - In The Air Tonight

My whole family would sit in silence and wait for the massive drum solo in this song. One of my dad's favourites, and one that always reminds me of being a kid.

2. Harris - Faire is the Heaven

This is a piece we did in choir, and I remember singing it for the first time and it was the moment I fell in love with classical music. I'd been at a lot of concerts because of my parents when I was little, but this was the music which entertained me for the first time. I have very fond memories of this piece, singing with Sushmi, Ruth and Clare especially.

3. Queen - You're My Best Friend

I walked past a cafe blasting this out one morning when I was feeling really down, since then it's never failed to make me feel better again.

4. Skrillex - Scary Monsters and Nice Sprites

A rebellious patch of sixth form, as rebellious as I ever got anyway. It was a big emotional song for me for a while, now it just reminds me of screaming the noises and pretending to throw up singing along in Ollie's car.

5. Tempz Next Hype

The best night of my life. Hearing this song booming out, I felt absolutely terrified but it was the best feeling of defiance. The first time I felt like I was breaking the rules.

6. Easy Justin Vernon

Ultimate depressing song. Tea at 3 in the morning. This song expresses everything you feel at that time in the morning. It's perfect.

7. XXYYXX - About You

This is my song. I hear it and I feel like me. It's as sad as it sounds.

8. Fairground Attraction - The Wind Knows My Name

A song that's going to break my heart one day.

My main song I'd pick would be About You because I'd want to stay sane for as long as possible. My book would probably be Lady Chatterley's Lover, it's lovely and funny. Luxury item would be endless supplies of cereal. I fucking love cereal.

Now listen to this and cry.

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