Saturday 2 February 2013

Our lives are full of making good decisions and bad decisions. There's one way you can tell which is which, if you make a decision you're not sure about, quite frankly it's probably going to turn out as a mistake. When you do the right thing, you just know. Even if you feel like that decision hurts you, if you know it's the right one it doesn't matter.

I always think it's better to be upfront and honest with people. If you have a problem with someone that's unsettling you, you should talk to them, and not try and analyse the situation with someone different. Don't talk to someone completely random about an issue you have with someone else. It's part of this widespread view that people should be seen not to care, and I think it's complete bollocks.

My friend said something to me tonight, she said: "How is it possible that the first person who made me feel good about myself also made me feel shit about myself?" Isn't that weird? It's true though. When we open up, we can get hurt. People who are closed in have their own problems though, by not opening up they'll always hurt from never trusting in anyone. People who open up can get hurt in a more embarrassing. When you completely give everything to someone you care about, you are putting a lot of trust in them. If they hurt you, it'll be bloody embarrassing, because you opened the door for that to happen.

I'm that type of person. But to be honest, I think that's a good way to be. I know I can seem to be a bit someone who has reservations and pre-judgements about people, but I never hold them against anyone when it comes to getting to know them. And actually, it's good to be trusting. You always give people a chance, maybe then you're more likely to hurt yourself, but that'll make you stronger anyway. If you're very trusting, it also means that you're easier to get to know and for people to love you.

Just thoughts.

Or musings, if you will.

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