Thursday 28 February 2013

Addicted to this woman's singing at the minute:

I've had a whirl wind few days. I had an email back from my relative saying that I should write to my Great Uncle, which I've done. It's funny though, how you can not know someone your whole life and when you actually try to tell them about yourself you can barely think of how to fill the pages. I never know how much detail to go into.

Feeling a bit stressed today, I need to call my university options and ask them if they'll differ my entry. And then I need to work out what I'm doing and start planning. And I need to go through the play I've written and change bits, which is frustrating. And then I have a bunch of small stuff that I've sorted, but still feel panicked from you know? It all mounts up. I'm just terrified of results. I'm really really scared.

You know sometimes you talk to someone, and you don't let them talk completely because you're scared of what they have to say? I had that today and now I feel really annoyed at myself. That's something I need to learn not to do.

It's been one of those days where you keep tripping up on your own stupidity.

On the plus side, I got paid more than I expected today and I've been asked to do more babysitting jobs which is really really exciting. I love babysitting.

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