Thursday 21 February 2013

What an interesting couple of days. Miss Evans has signed me up to make cakes for feminism, which have to have feminist-y things on them. I'm thinking of doing boob cakes or something with nipples on. Inappropriate? Naaaaah...

It's been quite a roller-coaster this first week back, (another reason why I hate sixth form), they've put up a box in the common room which has "Things you like about Sixth Form" written on it. James and I were sat looking at it today and he said 'Do you reckon there's anything in it?' I doubt there is to be honest. A few people will have been hilarious and written "Nothing" and put it in I'm sure. I always think surveys are hilarious at school, everyone will take whatever opportunity they can to complain about the standards there. You get the teachers with the students in feedback sessions saying "What does everyone think then?" with great big grammar smiles on their faces and everyone just has a massive rant about how awful it is. I went to one of those meetings it made me chuckle.

Not sure what I was talking about there.

From now onwards I promise to stay away from talking about school all the time. It bores me and it doesn't exactly take your mind off something, badgering on about it now does it?

IN EXCITING NEWS James Bradwell has released a BLOG which is very exciting. He took my name suggestion and went for the celebration of his wonderful bottom. We're all very excited about this new blog:

Next, I have a remix I've fallen for, which I'm going to share with you. Lucky lucky person you are.

Short one today, will think of something exciting to do tomorrow. Better be excited, I sure am.

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