Monday 26 March 2012


Well, I've had quite a day. I'm sat in bed now, with a massive headache and almost throwing up trying to think of something to say, or trying to pick something to discuss more like.

I feel like I've really turned a corner today. I had a big chat with my life coach, (practically), Miss E. She told me lots of useful things like: 'Don't tell everyone everything Poppy' which was good to hear out loud, rather than just in my head.

It's so weird, I don't understand why I tell people things. Almost like I try to buy friendship with it, and I just can't resist saying something. Amazingly, most, if not all my friends are extremely trustworthy, and nothing ever gets out. If I were friends with more gossipy people everyone would know everything, and I would actually get the punishment I deserve for it. ANYWAY I feel like a switch went off in me when she said it and I suddenly thought, okay, I'll stop telling people everything.

So I'm sat in bed waiting for my camera battery to charge so I can upload the photo of my mum with a hitler moustache drawn onto her lip, but it's taking ages. Very frustrating.

Oh it's ready:

Aha, oh mum.

Spoke to my lovely friend tonight about everything that's been bothering me, and she's been a real help just by listening. Unfortunately I had to leave before I could properly listen to her, so I need to speak to her soon. LATITUDE AAAH! And I've listened to her advice and I aim to take it onboard. I feel like I'm about to get back on top of my work, and that's good. I'm just pretty darn okay actually. Not bad at all. And I'm not even saying that due to eating a huge bar of chocolate tonight (partly because I'm broke, partly because I don't need to eat it).

I wish I could sing like this, and I am part indian so maybe it's within me somewhere. Although... where does Beyonce come from inheritance-wise? Well. She's darn sexy wherever she's from:

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