Wednesday 28 March 2012

Haven't blogged in a couple of days, oops. Tonight is the social. I'm going as a firefly, and their bums light up, problem is, forgot to get glow sticks, so my bottom doesn't glow. I'm just a very sparkly thing with wings. I can make up animals right?? Not sure what to do with my hair yet, but very excited. I need to have prepped by the time I get to Jessie's.

Very happy about tomorrow, just sat and worked it out, literally no homework in for ANY of my lessons. RESULT. Although, I will be answering an exam question tomorrow period 1 and 2 for class civ, not so easily done with a high pitched scream in your head and a tired body.

So excited right now though, got a week organising stuff for Max Stafford Clark for Barney in summer, and this Sunday is my apprentice interview, I honestly have no idea what to say, I'm so unprepped. Might watch some interviews and stuff on the website. Part of me feels like I might get it, although Evie doesn't think I will. Damn you Evie. Expect the worst, hope for the best eh?

Still, with such sparkly nails how can you be unhappy right?


Always get ready to go out with this on. It gets me all excited. Quiche, shower and a wee and I'm READY.

I'm going to make it as an actor. I can feel it.

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