Sunday 4 March 2012

Okay, 3 day lapse of musings over, I'm back from a lovely weekend! Was in Portsmouth yesterday, really lovely. Bought a GORGEOUS shirt from Superdry because it was on sale, bring it. And then I'd forgotten my black shoes for choir so I HAD to buy a new pair - what a shame!! Anyway, had evensong for a cappella, which was pretty uneventful. Apart from, they had really cheap flimsy stalls, so when we sat down we almost tipped it over, it was so funny.

Then rapped with Sushmi back to Sals, and overheard her having a horrible conversation about parents hitting people. Not very nice.

At the minute, I'm just really excited for dad to come home. Mum's gone into manic decorating overdrive and is working waaaay too hard, so when dad's back she can have some of the strain taken off her. Plus dad's been really homesick so it'll be nice to have him safely back with us. Two weeks went fast.

As for me, I'll enjoy not having white paint all over random bits of clothing and my hand, I touched the banister pretty much every time I went past it, never learnt the lesson. Been in a mad homework mood today and got a lot done, so I'm very happy. I think having a shorter work shift made all the difference really.

You know what's annoying though, this whole, putting a number after a password shit. How in any way does that make it more secure? It's completely stupid, my password is impossible to guess, so how will having a number make it any more safe? It's stupid! Yes, I do actually understand there must be some kind of reason for it, like if a computer is hacking you and can work out what your password is, but what are the chances of that happening to me? And to be honest, if a computer hacks my blog, I don't think they're going to find anything interesting, and they wouldn't be able to come up with a very good false blogpost pretending to be me.

Here's Mr Chow agreeing with me:

so anyway, despite being a good girl and doing my homework tonight, I found this picture, I like it:


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