Thursday 11 July 2013


  I have had the loveliest evening with Barney my boii (who is, I've decided, the spitting personality of Jamie Laing from Made In Chelsea). He came round and had a BBQ with my parents and then we drove to Bournemouth and just walked and talked. Well I talked most. I feel a bit bad now, I can never tell if I'm going on too much. Need to monitor that. I hadn't seen him in so long though, it was really nice. My parents love him so much.

  I've been thinking a lot lately about my dreams. Bit of an odd one, but very occasionally I have incredibly vivid dreams and I wake and am convinced they're true, even though I'm aware it was just a dream. Last time I had a dream that felt like that, it came true. So when I had another one recently, I find myself at a bit of a loss. It was about a friend, and they'd done something very bad to me. Because of my last dream, I have since assumed that it's true. Which is probably terrible, but it was such an out of the blue situation, it would be weird for me to randomly ask if they did it, you know?

  This may mean my dreams are coming like warnings, if it was true. They say if humans were able to use their full brain potential we would be able to tell the future, which is why we have de ja vu and maybe funny dreams. I know there are alternate theories about eyes moving faster than the other which explains that 'de ja vu' feeling. But say for the sake of argument that it was a pre-played action by your brain, and it was an accurate prediction of the future, shouldn't it be something we pay attention to?

  What I'm saying is, perhaps I should listen to my dreams... the vivid ones only. Maybe I should ask my friend... hmmm. Funny one. I don't want to insult them but also don't want to miss out on my instincts if they're trying to tell me something.

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