Monday 16 September 2013

In the Midst of it All

  Well I seem to be in a stress factory. I keep going into work at the minute twitching with worry and not entirely sure why. I suppose the obvious answer is that you absorb the atmosphere you live in. Seems to be true at the moment with the house move stuff... thingy. Majig.

  Anyhoo, my friends are all leaving me, and this hadn't hit home until Saturday, (enter vodka), I remember being in the Chapel - which I don't think is very good and I wouldn't pay a fiver again - and then I was in Zoo hugging girls and crying. And I suddenly thought... hang on... they're all leaving. You can't help but wonder as well how many of them you'll still be in touch with one day, which makes you even sadder.

  So I felt the need to make my goodbyes. This week I am seeing four friends before they head off, I am going to miss them dearly. I will of course be saying goodbyes to people individually but I feel like a general post would be nice. For those of you who know me from school, you're going to be thinking: 'Oh I feel all nostalgic and emotional that this era has ended' for those of you who know me elsewhere, you'll be thinking: 'What the fuck is she talking about. But awwh I feel all warm inside.'

Here goes:

1. To all the amazing people I've shared lessons and laughs with. I remember kicking my friend's chair and him grabbing my foot constantly, to the point where at parent's evening my teacher told my parents to stop me flirting. I've had people who've helped me so much when I've struggled with topics or whatever, and people like Georgina, who just drew all over me and laughed for a year. All of you people, that I ever got to meet and share time with. Thank y'all.

2. The people that I've been friends with, have been so much fun. I've loved making friends with new people this year, and will always remember the laughs we've had. I can't think of a single example, but I'm sure we have laughed together. It's something that happens to teenagers...

3. For the people I've loved and lost, so to speak (not literally, calm down). I can hand on heart say I wouldn't be the person I am without experiencing what I've experienced with you all. Be it watching people take ecstasy to hungover Wild Child viewings. I'm sad to have lost the closeness to some people, but the time we had has shaped me more as a person than any other friendships. I suppose that has it's pros and cons.

4. To James Bradwell, you are wonderful.

  I look forward hugely to watching the new adventures you all undertake this year at university and wish you all the best. If our journeys entwine again, (that sounded a bit frivolous sorry), I shall be fascinated to see the difference your experiences make of you. I am extremely jealous that I have to wait a year to go to uni, but I should probably go and calm down a bit before I go off. Let's face it I'm still like an excited puppy at christmas.

...Mind you that's a poor example because I doubt puppies, or dogs even, understand the concept of Christmas...

...technicality is ruining my point again. Bye.

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