Tuesday 24 September 2013

Rock, Paper, Scissors

I was having a thought today about this game. The fact that paper beats a rock... I remember as a child having it explained to me as the fact that the rock can be covered by the paper. If anything though, all you end up with then is a well dressed rock. If someone threw it at you, it would still hurt. Which, surely, makes it more dangerous, because it's giving you a false impression. You'd find it all wrapped up and you'd think 'Ooh someone's given me a present, I'll open that up' and then it's just a rock. Then you'd be all annoyed and think, well why has someone given me a rock, that's just mean and not very funny. You may then sit for a while and try to work out if it was a personal joke you'd forgotten, and then eventually you'd just think 'Fuck it, this bitch gave me a rock for my birthday' and throw it out the window and kill a cat or something.

In fact, maybe the rock was never for you. Maybe it was a magical rock meant for someone else. Or maybe it was made by someone like me, trying to prove a point to a friend.

Plus surely you'd need a bit of sticky tape to hold the paper around the rock? And you've now crumpled the paper and made it look horrid so how does it win? I don't think the makers of this chance game really thought it through.

Didn't know I'd be able to squeeze so much written theory out of that cogent thought...


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