Monday 30 January 2012

Oh. My. Gosh. Well, as girls school develops in sixth form for us year 12s, the claws come out! Seen a lot of people crying today, and the gossip is everywhere, about loads of different things. EVERYTHING IS HAPPENING AT ONCE!! Aah the stress. Sometimes I find it nice that my life consists of eating breakfast and going to bed at half 10.

Tomorrow I'm so nervous, I have an eye appointment to sort out why my vision's been going all funny lately, so I've been eating toblerone all evening and playing this video over and over:

Georgina makes my life. And it looks like we're going to be doing a writing competition now? We don't pay attention in english and this is how she repays us? Also, just to let you know Georgina and I have taken up writing songs about things that happen to us, and we'll be releasing an album some time soon, I'll keep you posted.

Since a lot of people at school have had a hard day today, here is a video which is saved on my computer as 'WATCH THIS WHEN YOU ARE SAD' and it literally cheers me up every time. This is yet another video of Georgina being mad, and me trying to sort everything out in the background for her. (In this case I was tidying for a place to put her mattress).

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