Sunday 29 January 2012

Wow. What a night last night. Bethany managed to spell the word 'watch' wrong so Robin's cake said 'Keep calm wath Sherlock' which is funny because she texted me before she iced the cake asking how you spell Sherlock. Took James, Beth and Catt back to town this morning in the mexican brothel themed campervan we own, and as soon as we got in mum threw croissants and pain au chocolat at us.

So, anyway, highlights from the party have to be having a massively long drunk conversation with James about how.... nevermind. The important thing is we both decided I look good in hats. Then the next morning when 3 people came into Robin's bed with us and he got all grumpy and faced the wall flat, with ALL the covers. And Jessie looking at her cut this morning and saying:
'How did I get this?'
'Oh you fell down a hill trying to say goodbye to Aine'
'I don't talk to Aine!'
 Also, dangerously, started using 'DMC' without it being sarcastic, I must stop this.

The concert, I have to admit, was a little bit.... meh. In fact, if there's a better way to describe than 'meh' I'll give you a hundred pounds. And I can afford that. It just didn't really feel like a perfect end to an 18 year long career. Maybe people just weren't in the mood. And the awkward scene change waiting for the orchestra, never heard an audience nervous laugh in a concert before. But Cassie made my evening. She was wearing a lacey dress under her A Cappella outfit, and these high heels that she couldn't get up the stairs in. She was of course, going clubbing afterwards. Typical Cassie. I love her.

Had another shift at work stealing chocolates and cleaning stuff. And breaking stuff. I always break stuff. I smashed a bottle of perfume and it went all over my cardigan sleeve, now I smell like a lemon. I feel like I need a holiday! I'd love to leap on a train and go somewhere with a friend, not tell anyone where we are and come back like 4 days later, no harm done. Dream on. Knowing me though, I'd probably end up dying somehow. I can't deal with change.

But I'd say the best part of the night was listening to an LP playing of the xx. I have a boyfriend with good taste. I feel sadly proud of that. But if he ever tries to play top trumps with me, I'll... cut them up. Wow. That sounded a lot more emoey than I'd hoped......... ANYWAY.

So yeah, in summary, I love James Kelly, I love Jessie Whittick, I love Beth Woolgrove, and I love Robin's dad. He gave me wheetabix. Bless.

For my link today, I've got an xx song. I've loved this song and wanted to find it for ages, and it's so weird that it's by the band I've just fallen in love with. This song has a brilliant sense of tragedy and freedom about it. I want it on my iPod when I'm driving and looking out the window all thoughtfully -

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