Tuesday 25 December 2012

This was my Christmas. So yesterday on Christmas Eve, I panicked and realised I needed to finish my shopping. I had no idea what to get dad, so I panicked and bought him a Kindle. By the time I got to Shakeaway to calm myself down with sugar, I was shaking. Not only did I buy him a Kindle, I bought him the new bloody Kindle Fire. 130 quid. And he loves it, so I can't take it back and still look like I made the gesture if nothing else. Anyway back on track, I got to Shakeaway and I told them what I had just done, and before I could choose what to drink the guy said: "I'll just give you the most chocolatey thing we have shall I?" I agreed. This may have been the most expensive item on the menu, but I needed it.

I got it back to work and everyone laughed at me for buying it. My boss even called me the worst shopper on the planet, and she had a fucking point. My card then got rejected in Topman (buying for a boy not myself) which was very embarrassing because I'd spent over my daily limit.

So that's the prologue to this video, Dad unwrapping the Kindle:

As for my Christmas day? Well, as normal on Christmas, you wake up earlier than is sensible, scoff your stocking chocolate, open stockings with family, head down for breakfast and open the presents. Then normally, the family drag me on a dreaded dog walk, I get grumpy, mum and I have a tiff. We go home, the adults cook supper. Mum gets cross with Joz for being 'cack-handed' and kicks him out. Joz and I watch - 'Christmas Come Dine With Me' or some equally lame everyday t.v. show made Christmassy with the use of some tinsel in the backdrop. We eat, we nap in front of the new film someone got today, then we sleep. In between these gruelling periods, there are pockets of time which can be described in no other way than 'boredom'. Every god damned minute of it, gazing at your presents and realising the fun is over.

Today though, things were different. This year is the first year my family of 5 can't be together at any one time. We have therefore, had 3 Christmases. When Barney came before his hike round the welsh coast, we had some vegetarian meal and his dad came said happy christmas. Then today we've eaten gammon and slept all day, and tomorrow night is turkey night with Joz. I am exhausted, of eating so much. Mum is hugely excited about our crackers too, which have special racing brussel sprouts in. I know. Don't get me started.

We've slept all day, doing nothing. I have several photos of my parents sleeping. I've had the world's longest shower and Spud's going to have a bath later, so it's all been very exciting and stimulating. I hope you've had a lovely Christmas too. It would be quite nice to hear some anecdotes, you can leave anonymous comments below each post so please do, I'd love to hear about your shenanigans also.

Much love, Poppy


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