Saturday 29 December 2012

We had our family drinks party last night which was very sweet. Apart from mum made so much food, by the time the first guests were arriving she was this flour covered woman with glasses on that made her eyes look big and manic. It was quite sweet, but she went and de-floured and it was all fine. I had a nice chat with James Kelly's mum Joy, who I am in love with. She saw me and said really loudly: "WHAT'S THE GOSSIP I HAVEN'T SEEN YOU IN A COUPLE OF WEEKS!" and I sat down and told her that I didn't really have any and she then asked me how many people had been at James' the weekend they were away and I replied: "How many people did James tell you there were?" which she thought was very funny.

Anyway, my main part of the night was opening Christmas presents with Bex when everyone else had left. I nearly cried, not even kidding. She bought me a little velvet skirt that I almost bought a couple of weeks before, which is spooky. She got me an army print top which I mentioned once that I really liked and she got me some sparkly nail varnish.

But the bit that almost made me cry? She made me my first ever mixed tape called: "The Cheesiest CD You'll Ever Listen To <3" with loads of songs either that we've got funny memories to, or that she'd found lyrics that fit to us. It was the best present I've ever had. Honestly I keep listening to the songs and going "awwww!" to all the words. I got her chocolate, skittle vodka, a roll-on perfume from my work and some shoes she'd asked for. I have one present left to come in the post, which I'm hoping will make up for it. She's beat me though damn her.

Here's a little photo diary of my parents. I have taken one photo each time they've fallen asleep in front of the T.V. this holiday (so far obviously), here they are:

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