Tuesday 30 April 2013


  I have been thinking. I have to admit, I'm a very judgmental person. I think I'm nice, I think, but I'm also very easily swayed to disliking people. Generally, I believe it's because I expect people to dislike me above a certain 'social class' and so I dislike them before they can dislike me. People that I meet and expect to get on with I'll be much nicer. Not that I do anything nasty to people who are 'better' than me, (from my point of view), but I'll confess I've been an instigator of that disgusted face girls pull. But then little gestures change my mind. I just have to start remembering that everyone has a nice side, or they wouldn't have friends. You'd hope.

  South Wilts is really getting to me today. For example, we were in the common room and it was virtually empty, so I got up on the sofa with a couple of friends and we did some shit dancing and pretended to be gansters. I think I got away with that because everyone was laughing, but as we left to rehearse we had a couple of disgusted looks from people 'better' than us. And I thought, what is your point. Because there is a certain thing that people do, purposefully waiting for you to look at them before they go:

  Why? Why are you bothering with me? I wouldn't mind if they waited till I left and then said "That was lame." But why do it to my face and threaten my self confidence with it? Because you put enough girls in one place, add 7 years and hundreds of stressful exams, a few boys to fight over along the way, and we all turn into these bitchy cat fighters. I don't want to make anyone upset or hurt because I've judged them. Sometimes girls need to question their behaviour but I never want anyone to do that because of me, hell I might have them all wrong.

  I guess what I've learnt today is that no one should make you feel like that when you've not done anything actually bad. Had I stabbed a teacher or cut a frog's head off, then I might understand the face. But because I danced on a sofa? Naaah... not feeling the need.

  Just looking forward to people starting to act like grown ups. This is a stroppy post but there you go, I'm a bit annoyed and a bit hurt really.

  Here's a funny picture of me looking fat:

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