Monday 23 July 2012

I'm going to be discussing Fifty Shades of Grey today. I've just finished it, so I'm happy to fully comment on my thoughts. I've always been more of a fantasist than a great literary person. Don't get me wrong, if I'm studying it or learning it for something, I'll really enjoy it. I enjoy listening to interpretations of narrative or themes. But when I'm reading for me? I want teenage girl crap. So it seemed perfectly acceptable for me to be sucked in by the craze and buy the damn book.

The main reason I bought it, was because Evie was reeling on and on about how horny it was, and everyone was making comments about it's feminist issues and I wanted to see why. Now, a lot of people have said, when seeing me with the book, (I was no shy common room reader), would say 'that's twilight fans fiction'. I'm sorry, but what does this mean? I'm pretty sure the readers of vampire books aren't exactly the first people you would think of when finding a soft porn novel.

And the feminist thing, really? She willingly goes along with his demands, but she also asserts her own at the end. I don't believe it portrays women in any way, surely it's more about how fucked up Grey is? I don't know, but I doubt any woman would write a purposefully sexist novel. I'm pretty sure E L James was just engaging in what she describes in the 'dedicated to' section as her 'obsession'. She wrote a dirty book for women who also want to read a dirty book. Is it even dirty? It's an insight into a private couple, having a private sex life. It's not dirty really.

Plus, you have to ask yourself why if it is so sexist and disgusting, has it sold BETTER than Harry Potter originally sold? Because people want to read it! And people have enjoyed it. Having read it, I would say that the sexual encounters, (they're often enough for me to say this), didn't really get to me. I'm not entirely sure whether they're meant to or not, but I didn't find it very sexy. Yes, okay, the actual literature side of the book may not be strong, maybe James does repeat a lot and use some very teen-style lingo, but I think that's not what the emphasis is on. At every page you're thinking 'when's the next one' not 'I say old fellow, this book executes the most appallingly average writing'. 

IT'S ABOUT SEX. And that's what it's GOOD at.

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