Sunday 15 July 2012

So my brother is down for the week to do this clever project thing, which he said to mum about it 'I like knowing what's going on when no one else does, everyone just thinks it's really disorganised which is fun.' I would quite like to know what the hell is going on.

I do love having Barney home though, he has this incredibly enviable thirst for knowledge. You know that feeling when you're talking to someone about something you're really interested in, and the blood in your cheeks goes completely tingly and warm and you feel so happy. Every conversation I have with Barney on a one to one is like that, he completely blows me away with the way he unlocks stuff and comes at things from another angle. That is, when he isn't poking my bruises or asking if he can hit me as hard as he possibly can. Or shouting 'YO BUG-EYES'. Whatta lad. I wish I had a brain like that.

On a sadder note, a baby bird died at my house today. On my way to work it was sat on the path looking terrified, so we hoped it's mum would find it. Anyway, while I was out mum tried to feed it with the vitamin boost stuff we gave the chickens when they were ill, and she put it in a box to protect it with some porridge, but sadly it died in front of her. I find that sort of thing heartbreaking.

Anyway, that's all I have to really say this evening.

I absolutely adore this:

By the way, I've sort of pushed Shallow Magpies aside till I know properly what to do with it. I'm not quite sure what I'm aiming to do with it yet... we'll see.

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