Monday 8 October 2012

Apologies for the lateness of this post, I was reminded today by a fellow english student, (that sounded posh), that I needed to redeem this. She suggested, very kindly, that I write about fudge. Now, I thought I'd need a couple of days to think about this topic but when these arrived in the post, I simply knew it had to be today:

I know. My parents aren't too happy, dad said 'You'll break your ankle' and I smiled sweetly and said 'that's why I'm going to practise daddy.'

He still doesn't like them.

Anyway, to the matter of the fudge. A brief history of fudge is this: just before 1886 the origin of fudge isn't clear. However, it is suspected to be an american invention, it having sugar in and all. One probable theory is that someone was making a batch of caramel and it was 'fudged' because it was crap, but then fudge originated from that term. To be honest, I have no idea how you can make caramel so wrong to the point that it's fudge. I'm guessing they went 'Oh that's shit! Chuck it.' and someone sneakily tasted some and thought 'Hmmm... I could work with this consistency.' Eh voila!

It's interesting, that we are essentially eating a rubbish version of caramel. Although to be frank, I'm not keen on caramel. It rips your teeth out and doesn't taste great. I do like fudge though, mostly because you eat about 3 pieces and want to throw up, so it fills you and you don't feel like a fat ass afterwards.

I'm really struggling to think up much more for this whole fudge thing...

Wouldn't it be cool if you made a house out of fudge, not a real one a small one, and you glued it together with caramel. Be sort of ironic.

I think that's enough for today, I don't want to overload you with amazingly interesting stuff. I'll find some more information about my next given topic... again lovingly recommended by Hannah Bourne. (Who by the way, had very nice hair today and she didn't even tell me to say that, I just never said it to her all lesson even though I was gazing at it). I do think though that it would be nice to have some suggested topics from people, I want to keep current and 'in with the kids' 'n all. I sound about 80.

Lots of love.

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