Saturday 13 October 2012

Well, we're coming up very close to 10,000 views ever, which is very exciting. I'm sat right now in my kitchen, as it hails down. I've just been to a writing workshop and found myself pretty frustrated after it. I'm finding that cynicism doesn't make you intelligent, and it's a point I've always felt strongly about since so many people use it to seem clever. For example, if you like a certain type of music then someone will always tell you you're not cultured enough and that you don't know 'real' music.

Anyway, there was this man who genuinely doesn't like Tom Hanks. He said, this exact phrase 'He's the poor man's Harrison Ford.' And I was so cross I wrote it down and planned this post. Everyone is entitled to their opinion and it's not anyone's place to change that, (unless it's like Hitler's opinion, that's less cool), but really. I got so angry.

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