Sunday 28 October 2012

My hairdresser cut all my hair off. Normally when I go and see Dan, I want to change it and he won't let me. When I went in and said 'Dan can I cut my hair boy short?' he laughed and went 'No, no. Psychological problems' then the next time I was like "Dan, I cut all my hair off." And he goes "You cut it very badly. We grow it out." Then I came to see him and said "Dan I dip dyed my hair!" and he says "Oh dear. We'll cut it out." But this time, I came in and he said 'I'm thinking of doing something shorter' I almost died. At one point, he was cutting the front layers and they were completely covering my face and he said 'Sorry about this' and I just went 'To be honest it's an improvement.' How we laughed.

Anyway, it's um... very short. I like it, but I miss it too. It keeps falling into my face at work. I need to have a play with it and see how I can do stuff with it. I met up with Clare yesterday, and she had exactly the same hair cut at me, had it done the same day as me and both our mums had said 'It doesn't look any different' are you KIDDING it's really different. 

(cue awkward picture of my hair)

I got a bit nervous so I hid my lips... to make things easier.

But then we went to see Skyfall, which was INCREDIBLE and I loved it. Can't stop listening to this song now, and I'm not a huge Adele fan:

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