Saturday 24 November 2012

Be impressed with my homemade instagram:

That's me being all daughtery and nice waiting for my parents to get home.

Bus trip back from Class Civ in London.

Today I went paint-balling for the first time ever with James Kelly, Jess Sparey and Tom Smith and I am in so much pain. Jess gave a free voucher for 4 people to her dad last christmas and he said he'd never use it so... she had to. On the day she rang me and told me we were going, I'd earlier been walking through town with Evie and we'd said how we'd hate nothing more. I was quite convinced I'd be appalling and I was sort of right. At one point, I knocked the lid on my paint balls and all of them fell out. So I had to steal some of Tom's, but I ran out and had to leave the game.

I did get into it more in the second game, it was quite funny to run to shelter, then leap up and shoot at people and watch them ducking. I almost got someone. I didn't at any point, but it's the thought that counts.

Jess and James both got shot on the hand which was, I imagine, very painful, seeing as we didn't have any gloves. I have two bruises on my thigh, and one on my arse. I am tired. But it was incredibly amusing and fun. Funny seeing the men on our team getting really into it and getting really competitive, they were making jokes at these two german girls and I got really annoyed with them for being so arrogant. I mean really, if you're a middle aged man on a paint-balling course you should question yourself anyway.

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