Wednesday 14 November 2012

So I said I've have 'more about that later' in reference to the assembly we had. I'm not going to go on for too long about this because it was yesterday and assemblies don't remain very important in my life for over 24 hours. Anyway, this focus group came in and gave an assembly on being a lesbian or a gay person. This consisted of a video of them talking about common debate issues about gay/lesbian community, but to me it sounded like 4 lesbians talking about how much they hated straight people: 'No one understands unless they are gay or a lesbian'. That was ridiculous.

Then they talked 10 minutes over the registration time, so I was now missing nap time, which made me a feel almost tempted to become homophobic. But I didn't. Then they had an obviously fake story about a boy who killed himself half at lunch time after he'd been teased about kissing a boy in spin the bottle as a dare. For a start, no one plays Truth or Dare at the same time as Spin the Bottle, and he MUST'VE had other issues to commit suicide after half a day of teasing. Ridiculous crap. Then at the end of the assembly they had a slogan song which literally sang: "Lesbians and Gays, Biosexuals and Queers' At this point, from the back of the main hall I watched everyone put their faces into their hands.

The point of their assembly was to encourage us to sign these billboards which made us agree to not using 'gay' as a negative adjective, (I will complain about this in a moment), but I refused to sign because I don't agree with the aggressive way they presented their viewpoints. I actually felt a little offended and thought they were making a little bit too much of a big deal about stuff. I don't know what they've been through, and I understand it must've been hard. But they surely can't think the hardest part of being gay is hearing people say 'gay' when something is bad?

Anyway, it reminded me of when the christian group came for a discussion with us in year 11 and one of them said 'In my opinion gays need to be cured' and it was a lovely moment because everyone in our year got furious and had a go at him for the next half an hour. So actually, I don't think people are that homophobic anymore, not that I've experienced.

Now, my complaint about using 'gay' as a negative adjective are that no we don't. For a start, I know few people who actually say that anymore, I think it's a phase when you're younger and you're pushing taboo language for a reaction from people. But 'gay' when used in a negative light is no longer used directly meaning that the person saying that doesn't like gay people. It's just picked up a negative association, and it will phase out because language changes. (Feel like my english textbook right now). I'm getting bored of myself.


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