Tuesday 25 September 2012

I am really shattered today. Dad and I drove up to Birmingham this morning and then looked round the uni, then drove home, I went driving with dad and then we came back home. And for some reason I'm exhausted. My eye's been hurting loads as well, so I keep throwing warm water at it hoping it won't go all gammy. My phone has decided to take an unscheduled holiday and is not turning on. Nothing has happened to it but for some reason it's not turning on or charging, so I'm back to that shitty temp phone again, and I'm going to yell at an unfortunate man in Orange tomorrow. How much do new batteries cost?

On a plus note, I really liked Birmingham today and I think I've picked my top 5 unis now which feels good. And another plus note is that the essay someone mentioned to me the other day didn't actually exist (which I should've worked out, seeing as it was Mr dew who set it). But yeah, arrived at the uni and Hannah Bourne was there, and we went on the tour with her and kept bumping into her all day, which was funny. We had a nice little moment when we were looking round the gym. We were walking out and I said to Hannah 'The guy sat down nearest us?' and she said 'Yep I saw him too.' Mmm....

Plus, these last couple of days I've been going scrapbook mad and filling it with loads of stuff which is good. I'm finally getting on with it ready to take to uni next year. My pa, bless him is getting properly into this laundry basket. Mum's been working out with him how they're going to attach the cushion and dad had a special trip out this evening to buy some more slats. And I forgot to mention, my mum went on a straw bale course, and she's now designing her future house and workshop studio. She wants to get lots of old ladies to come and sing and have therapy sessions and eat cake. That's going to be her next job.

One thing that is annoying me, is that my cheques haven't gone into my account yet, so iTunes is really cross with me because I owe them money. And I hate that jacket I bought recently, the white and light blue one, so I'm sending it back. In hindsight, I shouldn't really have tried to pull off a black-girl style, the girl on the website looks so good in it:

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