Monday 24 September 2012

People go through life, changing and developing. Most people improve as well. Normally this process takes countless mistakes and attempts until they learn their lesson. It can be things like, 'I need to be more gentle on my clutch at junctions', or more complex situations for example, 'I won't sleep with someone on a first date again.' I'd say it takes quite a few tries to get these things into our system. I said once before that I believed people could change instantly if they had the discipline and the will power. I still believe that's true, but I think it's incredibly difficult and I'm not one of those people.

But also, sometimes if you change too quickly, then people don't adjust to you at the same rate, so you end up having to totally start again. If you do change really quickly, you kind of have no option but to make new friends as a new person. But then, if you're going to do that it's probably a good idea to have a really good thing about whether you're the right version of you. Everyone has a dream version of themselves that they want to be, or just little things that they want to adjust, whether it's your nose or your lack of modesty or something.

So I've decided, every day I'm going to write down something that I think about myself that I don't like. Then over time, I'll keep checking the list to see if I've improved on any of them or if I'm worse. It's all part of this being conscious of who you are type thing. It's going to be near impossible to stop any negative thoughts about yourself, but if you can constructively work on them then maybe it's using the negativity to a productive outcome.

My mum has decided we need a 'negativity box' so every time we say anything negative about ourselves we put in 50p. Bloody expensive idea if you ask me, my mum is always overly critical about herself so we're going to end up with her losing all her change and getting really annoyed at herself. Could be pretty entertaining.

Here's a funny picture of a penguin. I thought it was funny at least:

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