Wednesday 5 September 2012

Today, I'm feeling pretty stressed I have to say. This term I've got to maintain choir, driving lessons, work shifts, stage, the revue, A level and my remarking. And whenever they mention how much we have to do this year, my gut twists itself up and I get really panicky. I wish they'd do it in a nicer way because it's not really helping me to 'relax'. I guess I shouldn't expect much, it's the year I've been dreading since year 7 and it's here.

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Interestingly, I decided to wait for a while before I continued that. In evaluation, the reason I probably felt stressed was because I was blogging instead of actually doing the stuff that needed to be done.

So here is my topic for this evening: See-through clothing.

Now. I've decided to go for the whole 'classy' thing, seeing as dressing like an 'aggressive lesbian,' (thanks mum for that quote), wasn't really working for me. I've bought two white dresses on asos. The first is pretty lovely, but there are definite bra issues at the back so I shall need to wear it in winter with a jacket. The second dress, makes me look a bit like a nurse. I sort of like it, but because it's white and not lined YOU CAN SEE EVERYTHING. Thankfully, this morning I selected black underwear out of my drawers, which has opened my eyes to this. God forbid I were to throw it on tomorrow in the excitement of its arrival and in the dark, mistake that it shows EVERYTHING YOU COULD IMAGINE.

So that made me think, okay well, maybe mum could make me a lining. But why do I have to make the lining? And why is every white fabric see through? It isn't at all a trend I would go for. If you want to buy see through clothing you would go all out for it and wear bloody fishnet vests. This is simply not what I wanted. So I am undecided about returning it. I may have to try out every pair of pants I can find tonight and make up my mind.

This is what I had hoped it would look like:

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