Monday 3 September 2012

Okay, I'll admit, I didn't do the run or the yoga. In fact, I woke up at 9, don't remember my alarm even going off, (that's how heavily I sleep), then got ready to go and was too early still. Thank god I didn't wake up at 7. I did get to tidy my room though. A bit. The clothes are sorted anyway.

So now, I feel more chilled about this year. Miss Evans was very calm, no one yelled at me for my class civ result, and I could actually afford a drink from Boston afterwards. Had a catch up with some people which was good. Told Zara about my dream.

I had a really weird dream. I was 16 again, married to some random guy my age and me and my parents and him were going round to everyone who thought it was weird saying 'Ohh no we're just married for now, for fun. I'm not going to end up married to him ( / her).' It was very odd. And then I was at a train station leaping over the tracks because I didn't want to be late for school, and the middle platform was apparently where everyone went when they felt depressed. It was a really old train station as well, all rusty and disgusting.

I slept pretty well obviously. But it's too hot.

Had a meeting for drama revue today, and we're struggling with ideas a bit. There were a couple of good ones in the box, but honestly we'd like to hear more, seeing as we don't have many so far. If anyone has any ideas, send a joint message to Hannah Armstrong, Jessie Whittick, Ruth Price and me. It'd be really helpful to get some more themes on the table. Soon we'll have an outline and ask people to put some scenes together, so we'll keep everyone posted. (Or I will, virtually, on here, talking to myself).

Still annoyed about Doctor Who yesterday:

So stupid.

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