Sunday 23 September 2012

I've been waiting for something interesting enough to happen to me for me to blog, and I've realised that enough has happened now for that to be possible.

Found an old conversation I had with Ollie earlier:

Made me laugh.

Anyway, I've been going out in my car with my parents, and today I went out for the first time with mum. It was one of those really depressing drives though, I was completely shattered and I went up on the curb and then later on the L plate flew off the front of the car. We pulled over and I made mum drive us home to watch a film. Had a secretive little sob to myself.

I don't understand why I'm so tired. I slept for way too long friday night, and felt awful all day at work. My boss actually let me go earlier saying I needed sleep. Then I stayed over Bex's and we went to bed at around half 11, so I don't get why I'm so tired. And I'm pretty sure I've cracked a bone on my back somewhere, it's so painful all the time, I can barely sleep on it now.

Maybe it's just a bit of a lull since school's started, I feel like that initial energy is kind of gone now and it's just trudging onwards. Though I have to say, school doesn't seem too scary on the whole university front. Miss Evans said to me to take as long as I want on my personal statement because it's important, so I'm happy to calm that all down now. To be honest, everyone keeps talking about how stressful UCAS is, I really haven't found that at all. Had a chat with this nice girl in year 12 at speech day and I said that to her. I think year 12 is harder because you don't know who to talk to or where to sit and stuff.

Finally found this song as well, been humming 'oh ah' for AGES now:

Went to a shisha bar the other day, and Danny started coughing loads, and then he stopped and Isobel looked really shocked, so I thought 'Oh my god, he's coughed up blood' I look at the floor, and he's just brought a bloody earwig up. Alive. Must've come up the pipes from the shisha, absolutely disgusting. Izzy did take a photo but I'm not sharing it with you because it's horrible.

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