Thursday 27 June 2013

Swings in Roundabouts

  My gap year is finally slotting into place. (Well, not really finally because it's only just started). I've got myself another job, working monday to friday for Diligenta customer service. The interview was actually really good fun and I'm looking forward to it a lot. Then I'll have L'Occitane at the weekends and any babysitting work during evenings. Now all I need is a place to live... if anyone's got somewhere then... yeah... I'll be homeless soon.

  I was feeling fantastic after the phone-call on the evening of the interview where I was offered the job, which was a massive high. My parents got all soppy and proud, dad sent me an email from his new account, (he claims this is the reason for sending it), saying I was the daughter he'd dreamed of. It's all very nice. And then the next morning my car went in for M.O.T. and was a write off, needed a new part for about 1600 quid or something ridiculous. That was a big low.

  Then, my dad found spare parts on the internet which were about 100 quid and not 1600, so we're going to be able to save Nissan after all! That was a high. But then tonight I'm feeling quite down. I've had an extremely long day, been collapsing into sleep all day, it's been quite scary. I kept waking up from naps and asking what day it was and forgetting how I'd ended up there. Hoping for a good nights sleep tonight. Tomorrow night I'm going to a Lady Gaga tribute evening with my work colleagues and Ollie, which should be a laugh. Another high, another low etc.

  I think it's just stress that does it. My eyes started to really hurt before the interview, and then I did the interview and I've felt drained and ill since. The pressure I guess is what gets to you. But it was such a lovely experience, I had a one to one interview with a woman for about an hour, just talking about myself, which let's face it I loooove to do! And it was really nice and relaxed.

  Managed to accidentally make Mum cry yesterday, I sent her and dad a message saying that I was really appreciating the final time we had living together and Mum texted back saying "You've made me cry you bitch." Whoops. Right now I'm sat in the kitchen waiting for her to come home from choir. Feeling a bit in need of a hug and a sob film. My dad's gone away to Spain for a few days, and it's funny but I never feel like I have accustomed myself to his going away. I find it hard adjusting to the dynamic of mum and I by ourselves. I think it doesn't help that Spud constantly looks at you like: 'We're missing one of the pack, just to let you know.'

I heard this for the first time yesterday, love it:

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