Thursday 17 May 2012

I hope you've recovered from that extremely hilarious photo, it still makes me laugh a lot. I don't think I really have much to report at the moment, tomorrow are my first two exams, unfortunately they are the two I feel most confident about, which is annoying because it means I'll be more stressed out. But it doesn't matter because a week on sunday I will be on a flight to New York with pa. Literally, I'm going to wet myself I'm so excited.

It's been really nice having study leave though, really chilled out. I've been able to catch up with people and work harder. Really rewarding. The revision sessions were completely pointless and I wouldn't go to them next year. So my plan today is to have breakfast, tidy my room, dye my hair again (it's fading YET again) and then to finish my cue cards ready to be tested. Hoorah.

Quite a funny moment yesterday though, where someone came to the door, I was getting out the shower, and mum went out and came back in and said 'James and Chris just sent a pretty boy round!' and I looked out the window to see Charlie Williams swagging off down the road. Turns out some postman can't do numbers very well, and he'd delivered my new skirt to their house. It is GORGEOUS I'm so happy. I will post a photo on the other blog.

Last night I stayed up to watch Saw with Ollie (by phone) and it was HORRENDOUS it was awful, and I'd say the nicest bit was the bit where we saw someone getting raped. Now, if you can say that about a film, then that's not really great is it? It was shit scary so I had to get into bed still on the phone to Ollie and let the dog sleep on my bed again. Was nice to speak to him again though.

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