Wednesday 23 May 2012

OH MY GOODNESS I forgot to write all about this, I've decided I'm not going into theatre. I'm going into services.

This decision was influence by an old git who rolled into the chinese. Just to paint a picture for you, he was wearing one huge shoe because he had one leg shorter than the other, and a boy scout shirt with toggles and badges everywhere. He came into the takeaway and after chatting politely, he asked what I wanted to do with my life. I, unfortunately, answered truthfully: 'Drama.' his face fell through the floor. I thought he was going to cry. And then he said 'There's no money in that.' and I said 'I know.'

Then he began to tell me how I should go into the services, and I daren't say I wasn't entirely sure what they were, its police and shit right? Anyway, he then told me how he'd gone to bishops, then taught maths in Tisbury or somewhere stupidly nearby, then he followed his dad in an accountant career. So clearly, this guy was an expert on following your dream.

He then mentioned the olympics and said 'do you swim?' and I went 'Urm... if you put me in some water I wouldn't drown.' Then he said I should do gold d of e, and then he asked me if I was a girl guide or anything, which of course I'd seen coming. I told him I have up years ago and he said 'That ma count against you' of course, because ucas give out brownie points for doing girl guides (ha... did you notice my pun there?). Mum at this point turned to me and muffled 'I'm very close to hitting him' while he told my dad how students are expected to do way less nowadays. I was completely stunned, I just sat there thinking I have to remember all of this.

The final thing he did was test me on his bloody badges, and I didn't know what they were but he was very ashamed. And he went on and on and on and on about it, and then our chinese food was called out and we all stood up and went 'AAAAAAY! THAT'S US! BYE!' and ran away as fast as we could.

Anyway, I was moaning about him to Chris Kelly, and he knew him! (he was wearing a name tag) and apparently he is also cripplingly racist, and Chris was telling me some of the stuff he said. Eurgh, hate people like that.

But yeah, that was that episode. Why do these things always happen to me?

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