Monday 14 May 2012

Yes, I've re-booted Poppy's Teenage Musings- isn't it exciting! I felt it deserved modernising, and I much prefer the new layout, the rest of it was getting a bit- HAHAHAHA I just remembered something hilarious from last night... basically he was talking about... nevermind you had to be there.

TOLD YOU I'D DO THAT. Worryingly I don't remember many jokes from last night, but there was one annoying twatty chav who kept yelling at Rich Hall, trying to have a weird conversation with him, eventually he shouted 'Hazel- give it a rest!' and everyone cheered. God she was annoying. And hilariously, there was an old couple sat in front of us who literally did not make a sound. They laughed at nothing, then at the end they didn't applaud, really strange. I half expected him to turn to her at the end and say 'What kind of cheese was that?'

Saw Mrs Coundley there as well, which was embarrassing because I was dressed to the nines in shoes that made me walk like bambi and a ridiculously bold patterned dress to match my stupidly brilliant hair. As I arrived, everyone stared at me like 'what happened to her through natural selection?' just to think, I was the best of the sperms, IMAGINE how weird I could be... Anyway.

Off to catch up on MIC- I hear it's been gripping tonight!

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