Monday 28 May 2012

Okay, I'm in NY and having an awesome time. Booked Wicked for wednesday which is exciting, and I'm working on my accent, it's comin along nicely! Today we went up the empire state which was AMAZING- you can feel the building moving dad was so scared it was funny. The views were incredible and I have some fantastic photos, of people too. Going to try and get a cocktail later which is exciting. I am blown away by the buildings and everything. Times square is beautiful. The evenings are the best because it's cooler. It's really hot here. Today we went to Starbucks and they were as grumpy as the Salisbury branch which was impressive- in fact the woman gave us way too much change but we accepted it seeing as she was so mean. The people are really grumpy but in a nice way, actually some are really lovely. Everywhere you go you see someone interesting. Today there was a woman walking along with curlers in her har, and in Greenwich everyone was sat on their fire escapes smoking which was very beautiful. Ad I had a traumatic toilet experience, you'be never seen anywhere so dark, the fairy lights were tucked away so I fell on everything and hurt myself. Also, in the museum of natural history the loo flues itself- scary. But as exciting a it is I miss my friends and I miss doing things with everyone. It's sweet seeing groups of teens sleeping on the grass at central park, makes me fee all gory and soppy. I would write more but I'm on dads phone and typing is HORRIBLE.. Will blog properly when I'm back. Till then, listen to bad girls by Mia, it's such a great song. Byeeee

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