Monday 7 May 2012

This might make some people laugh, I've come up with a new routine I'm going to start for school days:

6:00am wake up and go for a run (hahahahaha I know).
6:20am yoga (or just me swearing at 'Barbara')
6:30am breakfast - wheatabix
6:40am shower
7:00am pick an outfit + make up + hair + bag

I told dad that I was planning on doing this and he said (after he'd stopped laughing): 'No you won't, you'll wake up at 5 to 8 and be grumpy as hell and then leave the house crying because your hair isn't done.' To be fair to him, that pretty much is what I'm like in the mornings. Including crying over my hair. Although I've only ever cried about my hair when I've been stressed, so really he should be nicer to me. I reckon.

Apart from deciding that, it's been a pretty dull day. I got up late, did the yoga thingie, then went mental cleaning the whole house. I cleaned the banisters because they were getting a bit gross, started on the kitchen thinking 'Oh I'll just oil the table' and ended up taking everything off the counters to clean them, and then cleaned the window sills and then cleaned the windows and then tidied everything away. It was ridiculous. On a sad note, I discovered that I've lost my two door cinema club CD. Very sad.

On a happier note, here's a video you may or may not have seen on facebook of Georgina:

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