Friday 15 June 2012

I made a decision. I took out my nose stud, it wasn't really very me, kept catching it and stuff. And then I had this phone conversation with my dad, and straight after I went into the bathroom, and I dropped it down the sink. It felt really satisfying.

Other than that decision, it's actually been quite a hectic couple of days for one reason or another. I finally saw Georgina! Went for our usual at Wagas which was nice, then she came back to mine and watched this film I rented that we said we'd see together ages ago. (The Vow). It was sad.

Yesterday I watched Incredibly Loud and Extremely Close, which is all about this boy who's dad died in 9/11 and he finds a key in his dad's old closet, so he tries to hunt down what it opens. It's incredibly heart breaking and I cried hysterically throughout. I still don't understand why anyone would murder so many people. My opinion is, and it's bold, is that religion isn't that important. We all walk around using it as a way to get insulted and to insult others. And whatever religion those wankers in the 9/11 flights were trying to force upon people, it doesn't change a thing.

Let me put it into context for you, if someone went around and said 'I believe that the fairies rule the world and we are all puppets on strings, which the queen of the fairies pulls us on, and when we died, we become fairies and puppet our relatives.' You might laugh at them, or inwardly laugh at them. And you'd walk away going 'they're fucking weird.' So why is it any different if someone, for instance comes up to you and says 'I believe that if I kill many people to raise awareness of my religion, I shall win virgins in my afterlife.' You'd still think they were crazy, but how do they not see the weirdness in that?

It upsets me so much to think we've used religion, not as a holy thing to give hope and a way of life, or purpose, but to kill, and fight wars, and end millions of innocent people's lives. I don't understand how someone can be told that idea and think 'that makes valid and logical sense.' I think there are few religions, if any, which are totally used in the right way. Don't get me wrong, those who are devout and keep themselves to themselves I think are amazing. They're actually using an idea of hope to give themselves a purpose. That's enviable. But I hate anyone who tries to thrust religion on others.

I don't like it when buddhists try to get me reading some 'Korango' palaver, I don't like preechers, I don't like door to door religious people or people who try to drag people into places of worship. I think, religion should be something you have specifically for yourself, and you should keep it to yourself. By all means, if your religion leads you to think you need to bring peace, promote that, but it's this belief that having religion makes you a better person. It doesn't. It is a choice you have made to follow a faith, and you are either nice or not. The men who drove the planes into the World Trade Centre were not very nice Muslims, but I know plenty of absolutely lovely members of Islam, so how dare they say it was their faith that made them do that.

If you really followed your faith, and I think all faiths are about living life in a peaceful and free way, even if dated slightly sexistly or something, and I don't think you can say you honestly follow that faith if you want blood on your hands.

None of the families of victims of 9/11 probably sat down at the dinner table that night and said 'I think clearly, our problem is we aren't Islamic.' Point was not made. I bet it didn't even cross their minds.

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