Sunday 10 June 2012


Okay, so I've been away for a couple of days with shifts at work and concentrating on getting stuff organised. And I've actually pushed my body clock to be slightly better, went to sleep last night at 11! I've also been really sort of getting inspiration over the past few days from stuff, you know you go through phases where you're able to soak in everything and think well and come up with new ideas. I've come up with an idea for a new play, where this guy is getting over his girlfriends death, (my plays are a bit dark, I apologise), and you see his sister coming to see him everyday checking up on him, she's really frustrated he won't get over it properly and when he's alone, he sees his girlfriend again.

There's this one brilliant scene I've written, where he's talking to her, and she asks if she can have some scotch, and when he hands her the glass, it falls through her hand and smashes, and the two of them just kind of stare at each other. If nothing else that would be fun to do on stage.

Then I had this other good idea, set at university, a bunch of people living together, and they get caught up in some kind of crime which is really wrong for them, and it all goes horrible wrong. That's going to be a comedy. I don't have any proper structure lined up for that one yet, so I'm cracking on with this sad one now.

As for me? I'm feeling good! My cold is clearing, none of my nose studs have gone anywhere annoying, and I feel really happy. There's a couple of things I need to sort, open days and stuff, but I feel okay. I still have that feeling something is coming, maybe it's already started. I don't know, I'm excited. Something is happening. And I cannot stop listening to this, I love the build up bits:

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