Friday 1 March 2013

Today - I have an actual topic. I killed my first animal today. (And by animal, I mean not like when you kill an ant by accident and you go 'ew gross' and brush the ant blood and carcass off your hand, I mean an actual biggish animal). At lunch I drove Michelle and Bex to KFC to cheer us all up, and we were going at 60 when this thing flies over and hits the bonnet. Bex started screaming and then the three of us burst into hysterical laughter, because I looked in the rearview mirror and this massive waft of feathers went up into the air around the car behind us. I mean obviously, I felt incredibly guilty and sad for this poor bird but for some reason at that moment it was hilarious.

Even as I wrote that last paragraph I laughed again replaying the memory, I don't know why. I came up with a back story about how the bird survived and went on to greater things, which perhaps makes me feel better about the whole situation. We drove back a different way so I'll never know if it died or not. I hope it didn't, but it doesn't look promising does it?

Here are a couple of photos to keep you up to date on my life at the minute:

1. Here is a photo of me that Tom took on my phone why I was taking ugly photos of myself on his phone -

2. This is a cat that welcomed me home the other day and kept brushing itself against me till I let it into my garden. I am scared of cats, so I did let it in, all the while terrified it would either a) attack me or b) attack my mother's most prize pocession: the chickens.

It didn't though. It smelt dog and left me. Lucky to survive that one really.

Aaaah how exciting my life is.

1 comment:

  1. This was funny and sad all at the same time!
    PS. I'm hosting a Shabby Apple giveaway on my blog, come by and check it out if you get a chance!!
    Jillian -
