Tuesday 17 April 2012

I'm getting sadly excited by the stuff I've been studying at school, especially drama. Now and then it just crops up and reminds me that it's what I want to do. And I forgot to properly talk about the play!

So, went to see the Birthday Party on Saturday night, and I really enjoyed it. It was the first Pinter I'd experienced and I loved his writing style. The opening scene with Ella and Robin as the old couple was hilarious, Robin played 'Petey' in a very understated way, and I love that he was essentially wearing his own clothes to play and old man, very reassuring! But he played down well. I liked they way the two had an air of putting up with one another, the connection was good. And Ella was very good. She was so full of energy, it just made it impossible to look away from her!

Then James, as per usual fascinated me. He had all the same mannerisms and gestures as I've seen him do in the past, but he was totally different again. I think he's wonderful at altering his acting to different characters, very subtly done, wonderful. It's a real art and he has no idea that he's doing it.

I liked the way they explored the piece, the lighting was really effective. I didn't like the rape, it scared me a little bit, but then I was sat at the front of the stage and it was right in front of me, torch on James' face while he laughed away. Creepy. I was also really surprised it wasn't in the original script, I'd love to see another version of it. It just confused me a little wondering whether it was the men's appearance making Stanley unpleasant, or whether he was unpleasant all along, I didn't quite get it.

One problem I have with Pinter, is that I didn't like the way he doesn't tie in the endings a little. I was left confused about what was going on, and (because I was a Pinter virgin), thought it was just the production that made the ending unclear, till my brother explained it to me, that he doesn't ever finish his plays with the strings tied in. I think I like to know the endings to things, and not to interpret too much. It just meant the rest of the play is harder to interpret.

But all in all, I thought it was really entertaining, and I've still been thinking about it these past three days, so clearly it's done its job. And with the gorgeous Catherine Simpson handing out pre ordered tickets who wouldn't have a good evening?

Got Ollie coming round tonight so I can cut his hair and then he's taking us to choir. EXCITING.

Georgina just sent me this, saying it was like me:

Frankly I prefer listening to Goergina singing this:

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