Thursday 5 April 2012

I'm selling a whole bunch of old clothes on ebay to get some money after I've been spending it all. It's kind of exciting. If anyone wants something beautiful like this:

Or this:

Which actually make a lovely outfit together, then let me know and I'm sure we can come to some kind of agreement...

Paha. I had such good taste as a child. I assure you, it all looks that tasteful as well. It's hilarious. Anyway. Had training at work today, and I had a really good time. It's weird to be interested in everything around me at the moment. Time to get my head down and do well. Saw a girl sat in Macdonalds after work wearing a combat shirt, but darker than mine and I sort of nodded at her and gave her the 'Nice outfit' look.

Listening to a song called Seizemic by Tom Vek right now. It's such a feel good song, but no one on youtube has uploaded it!! Sad.

Promise to upload pictures of mum's hair tonight, we're having to re-dye the bottom because you have to stain it if you want it to last, which kind of sucks. I am in love with it though. I feel so much cooler, which is hard to top when it comes to how cool I am. Aha..... yeah....

I MISS GEORGINA. I know I sort of failed at the paragraphs thing, but here's one for Georgina. I'd wanted to be friends with her since year 7, but I reckon wetting myself in front of her wasn't the best way to go about it... funny that. So then this year when we were in lots of lessons together I started sitting with her and because we've had this sort of mutual wanting to be friends for years, we get on so well, it's always been really easy to have a good laugh with her, and I've never found myself being grumpy around her. Stressed, yes, grumpy, no. Whether we're tracking blood up the corridors or hunting down chicken in Waitrose we always have fun. Although she does scare me sometimes, she told me to make her laugh and I couldn't do it. But on a more serious note, it didn't take long for her to become one of my closest friends, we stumble awkwardly through her lesbian crush on me and try to ignore it, but it's worth it. No one else can make me shit myself with giggles like her, and we're so similar. She's literally the craziest person in the world, quite happy to film herself for hours on end and then watch it back and laugh but I don't mind. Those videos always cheer me up when I'm sad. So yeah, I can only tell her how much she means to me when I'm drunk, which I apparently did at the social. I told her I worry she thinks I'm a lesbian, told her I think she's gorgeous and then said she was one of my closest friends. All those are true. She's gorgeous and funny and I'm so jealous of her!

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