Friday 13 April 2012


SO I've been a complete tit and got the exam day for my art wrong, so I actually have 2 weeks left. I am an idiot. So, my plan is, to do my emoey 'rainy day' umbrella for monday (when you're impersonating Tracey Emin, something's gone wrong). And then see how it goes.

WHAT ELSE. You know what I hate? Rude people. Okay, so we all hate to be approached by sales assistants pushing for your cash, but actually, it takes a hell of a lot of guts to do it, and they're only trying to help. At the end of the day, whether you buy something or not, I'm still going to get paid, so why would I bother unless I actually care?

It's interesting being on the other end of the selling thing to see how it feels. It's like when Joz said working for a call centre made him totally re-evaluate the way he treated people on the other end of the phone. But to be honest, I expect the people out in India or where ever calling us have some hilarious stories to tell, and actually I expect it becomes pretty funny to them.

I'm rambling. I actually feel quite happy today, so I don't think I can rant properly. Sorry to disappoint.

You know what is weird, I've gone through my life not being able to write a single sane card to someone. Whether it's a birthday or Christmas, none of this to... from crap. Everyone had a different private joke or joke. I cannot just say what needs to be said. I try to sound clever, or stupid and sound like a retard.

And honestly, you should've heard the answerphone message I left on Ollie's phone today. I sounded drunk. I once said hello to Isobel's 'house' on her answerphone. And all her family laughed at me. It's something I can't do, probably because of my mother's fantastic genes. She's always leaving me weird answerphones. I had 2 from her recently, the first one:

'Hello darling, I didn't realise the Salisbury sausage shop had opened! Why don't you tell me these things? Anyway, I was just wondering what you wanted for supper, because I need to buy it from M and S now ish. And-' message.

Received today, at...

'My FUCKING phone. Also, I just saw James with some chips and I hate him because I really want some chips now. Okay, bye love youuuuu'

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