Wednesday 8 February 2012

At the moment, and I know everyone feels like this, sometimes it feels like there isn't enough oxygen in your lungs. I'll describe how I feel and see if you feel the same. Sit up straight and close your eyes. And then you take in this massive breathe through your nose and you hold it, because when you're breathing it in it feels so refreshing. Then you hold it and it starts to shake and close up in your body. So you just let it all go quickly. It's like the stress just cramps out your entire body again and you can't think straight. But for those few blissful seconds when you're holding in the air, it's like you're free. I like it but it's never enough. One day, I'm going to get on a train and arrive in the countryside, proper countryside, and I'm going to put this song in my ears: and I'm going to stand and look out on a sunrise over a really cold hill, where the sun is bright orange. And I'm going to breathe in and feel like it's worked.

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