Sunday 26 February 2012

Haven't blogged in a couple of days because I've been too busy. I'm not going to gossip and talk about my last couple of nights, but I am going instead to talk about my life in 5 years. I was discussing it with Billinge and a couple of others yesterday, and it still makes me laugh the way I tell it. Yeah, I laugh at my own jokes, someone's got to.

So, I'm living in London right. Some shit area of it, a run down hippy place like Camden, and I hate living there because it scares me. And I'm working in a job at a company which sells pens. Because you know, everyone will always need pens. Money to be made there I reckon. So maybe I'll have a fair bit of money, but I piss it away. And what happens, is I arrive at Boots every monday morning, and I have major hair issues, it's all over the place. And I'm wearing a clean outfit but I'm dirty. I have to wear sunglasses because the sun hurts my eyes, and I come in. I'm still a bit drunk, so I stumble up to the counter. (I skip the queue and one fucker will be like 'excuse me!' and I'll just be like 'PISS OFF' and Julie will apologise to the person for me). And then Julie goes 'Your regular Poppy?' and I go, yes please. And she hands me a red bull, a chicken and mayo sandwich and the morning after pill. And then she goes, see you next week!

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