Wednesday 8 February 2012

I'm afraid I have some extremely bad news for you today.

Because I've been asked by someone to do a blog post on purely them, I'm not going to be able to do a massive blog complain about how I'm having a night in when everyone else has gone out.

Ok. Here it is.

Used to be pretty good best friends a few years back, (despite constantly telling each other we were ugly), and now, there is literally nothing I can't tell you about. I think it's taken a couple of years to get over our difference in taste, in a lot of areas, but I genuinely love you. I spend most of my in school time with you, love our walks and trips to boston (wink).

The fact that you've always been 1, (or 2, or 3, or 4), steps ahead of me makes me life HUGELY easy, so thank you for that. You're the fearless one, I'm the pathetic one, and that's ok. But seriously, you've got to stop letting me buy those cookies so regularly. It's ridiculous. I love working with you in drama, you're hilarious, and the faces you pull behind shingle's back make me smile.

There are some things which I always want to go straight to you about when they happen to me. I don't know why, but you always pop into my head. I'll be honest, I'm surprised we're still such good friends after we changed so much over the years, I kept thinking something would weaken our friendship, but if anything I've got closer to you this year. I think being good friends with you before has just made it so easy for us to tell each other anything. And we were always both fucking weird, and that blatantly is something which comes alive when we're together. Whether it's chasing squirrels, (I'll admit, my idea), or you having to say stuff for me because I'm too embarrassed 'My friend really needs the loo.' (you don't know this, but when you said that I was behind you, clutching my stomach and bent over).

Shit things you've done to me over the years:
1. Putting me in bottom set maths- I mean for god's sake, pupils are meant to teach other pupils, not teachers. Idiot.
2. Lugging me round looking for valentines chocolate when I'm trying to watch what I eat.
3. Biting me till I cried....

Ok I was struggling with that. All I could think of was shit things I've done to you over the years (I'm very sorry, I was a shit friend, I know that). SO here's all the nice things you've done to me over the years:
1. NUMBER 1- MY FAVOURITE THING YOU'VE EVER DONE FOR ME - putting Duffy 'Mercy' on your iPod so I could listen to it on the bus to your house.
2. You once went 'You've got some make up on your chin' and rubbed it in for me
3. taking me um.... shopping? ;)
4. giving me countless pieces of homework for me to copy
5. writing up that once beach road review for me... the silly one.
6. kissing me to prove George and James wrong. (best win ever).

I could go on but I want a bath. Me-time and everything.

And finally:

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