Monday 20 February 2012

I'm afraid I have to let some hopes down, being ill today, I did absolutely nothing interesting. That means no more videos of me wrapping my head in something, no pictures of me with my nose taped up (I deleted that one) no funny stories even!

I've been sat at home with art piled around me eating chocolate and watching jeremy kyle, in between scrubs and Wild Child, which remains my favourite film despite having seen at at least 8 times this month alone. I want to be her.

She's ridiculously cool. 

So anyway, I'm feeling pretty up and down today. Major headaches coming and going, and feeling a bit shit. I couldn't face taking calls from a few friends today, just been feeling a bit sad but without any particular reason to be. I've gone through a phase of looking disgusting for about 3 weeks because of this bloody cold and I'm hoping when it goes my make up might stay on! WAHEEY!

My plan is to look good tomorrow. And have this song going round my head all day:

The thing is, I'm split between two emotions. The first one being I'm so pathetic and I am going to sit here and wallow in my patheticness. The second being, screw life I'm going to put myself out there and live it to the full. And I'm close to tipping fully into the second, but this limbo phase is so annoying. The thing is, I just don't know how much my life is about to change, because it is about to, but I don't know what way it's going to go. Who'll talk to me, who'll bother with me, what I'll look like, what I'll act like, how I'll respond. This time tomorrow everything will be clear. 

I can't wait until I'm a famous actor, because I can feel it. It's going to happen. STAY POSITIVE. To be honest, as long as I'm not drinking Methadone like it's vodka next week I'll be a happy girl.

But if people could please buy large blocks of cadburys and leave them in my bag at different points of the day tomorrow, it would be greatly appreciated. Let the shit hit the fan, I'm ready. MUTHAFUCKA!!!

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