Tuesday 7 February 2012

I want to get out of Salisbury!

Got seriously close to going to the train station today. I think I have stress issues, because I have nothing to be worried about. Argh and I'm kind of annoyed, I really wanted to do something other than go to the social, so I haven't got a ticket or anything but now all my friends are going and I'm just staying at home. Oh well. I'll have a nice evening with my parents? At least I won't be tired the next day? I'm clutching at straws here. I'm going to have a sucky evening of course.

I'm really sick of being so manic all the time lately. I barely have time to breath. I figured it out today, I have about 3 days of the half term where I'm completely free, which is less than if I had the weekends off, so I'm getting no extra time off really. And if I want to meet up with friends? Argh. Sucks.

Ironically, I felt quite positive when I got home. Like happy grumpy, but now I just feel pissy. 
Ooh but I love this song:

But that's the way life swings I guess. After half term everything will be easier. And it's nearly time to start thinking of exams- eek. Normally I'd hit anyone who mentioned that, but I feel sort of excited about going into mad isolation to study for something that'll matter. I know we say that every year, but this year actually matters. I want to do well in life. Although, by the looks of it- I may be signed up for a youtube career now- thanks for the support everyone!

That's all for now, have to get ready for stage (hello trackies) and yeah. Ps. what does 'ma' in chinese even mean???


  1. I <3 you, our drama is going to be amazing!

    P.S. Watch this, it just made my life 10x better aha


  2. ahahaah! Jessie I LOVE this!! Oh my god we really have to start our 'Mainstreams' vids. come round one weekend and we can try one out??
